Cubist's stories

Sun 25 Sep 2005 - 18:17

Quentin Long here, announcing that the furry webzine Anthro has a new "home on the net" --, or even Links and bookmarks which point to the old URL will continue to work until Anthro #2 goes live; at that time, the old URL will softly and suddenly vanish away. Please remember to update your bookmarks and site links before the old URL vanishes.
And while I'm talking about Anthro, I'd like to remind y'all that Anthro is always looking for new stories, art and artists, interviews, 'how to' articles, etc, in the furry vein...

Tue 13 Sep 2005 - 13:10

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here, making a public Call For New Material in behalf of his furry webzine, Anthro! I've been getting stories, even a poem or two, and I hope this continues -- but what about other kinds of furriness? Where are the fursuit patterns, the "how to draw X" tutorials, the articles on Great Moments In Furry History, the... Well, you get the idea, right? The basic idea is simple: If it's Furry, Anthro wants it! Send it to me, Quentin Long. If you're unsure, ask and I'll be happy to let you know if Anthro could use it!

Thu 11 Aug 2005 - 22:34

Quentin 'Cubist' Long would like to take this opportunity to let furdom-at-large know that Anthro needs art!

Check out the still-under-construction Anthro prototype site for further details, including some rough-draft-type ideas for what sort of art Anthro is looking for.

Tue 28 Jun 2005 - 11:34

Anthro is a new webzine whose first issue will be available for your reading pleasure on 1 September 2005. The force behind Anthro is the Webmaster and Editor In Chief of the Ursa Major-nominated webzine TSAT (main or mirror sites) -- Quentin 'Cubist' Long, who has decided to try his hand at a purely fur-focused venture. And you can help!