Cubist's stories

Tue 12 May 2009 - 07:03

Over the past few years, Phil Geusz has been writing tales of the Lapist religion -- a faith which encourages its adherents to adopt bioengineered anthro-rabbit bodies. Now, for the first time, ANTHRO Press is proud to announce THE FIRST BOOK OF LAPISM, a paperback collection of Geusz' Lapism stories!

Tue 23 Sep 2008 - 12:05 -- ANTHROlogy TWO!

Quentin Long here with the latest news about his furzine, ANTHRO: The 7th thru 12th issues -- ANTHRO's second year of existence -- is now available in paperback form. In other words, ANTHROlogy TWO is on sale! Buy this book, and more than 630 pages of furry ANTHRO goodness can be yours to read at any time of day or night, regardless of the state of your internet connection. And what's actually in those 630-odd pages? Glad you asked!

Wed 10 Sep 2008 - 14:53 -- the zine proper -- The ANTHRO Mall -- ANTHRO Press: We got books!* -- Graphic Descriptions: We got posters and t-shirts, too!

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here with a special announcement: ANTHRO #19 is online! Okay, this maybe isn’t all *that* special, what with the fact that it’s happened 18 times before... but considering how many other magazines have failed within their first year, it says something that ANTHRO has lasted *three* years plus change!
As per usual, I recommend that if you like ANTHRO, you should support it -- purchase ANTHRO art at [ href="* ], or buy some of the great anthropomorphic books listed at [ ], or even donate or subscribe [ ].

Sat 15 Mar 2008 - 07:34 -- the zine proper -- The ANTHRO Mall! -- ANTHRO Press: We got books!* -- Graphic Descriptions: We got posters and t-shirts, too!

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here. I bear good news: The obstacle which prevented me from publishing ANTHROlogy TWO is no more! I've a bit of work yet to do... but now I *can* do that work, so it's all good. Even better: ANTHRO #16 lives! And, like, it's *online*, too! This issue's cover is SLUMBER PARTY, by the estimable Heather Bruton. I thought "Dang, that's good" at first sight, and I'm sure you will, too!
And what's on the *inside* of this issue? Well...

Mon 7 Jan 2008 - 12:31 -- the zine proper -- The ANTHRO Mall -- ANTHRO Press: We got books!* -- Graphic Descriptions: We got posters and t-shirts, too!

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here to let you know that ANTHRO #15 is up on the net for your reading pleasure! Our cover this time is HIGH PRIEST DOMIN, by Carmen Welsh. You may recall that Welsh wrote WHITE MINISTRANT in #12; who knew she could also draw? *She* did -- and now, all of ANTHRO's readers will know, too!

Tue 13 Nov 2007 - 16:03 -- the zine proper -- The new ANTHRO Mall! -- ANTHRO Press: We got books!* -- Graphic Descriptions: We got posters and t-shirts, too!

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here, once again announcing a new issue of ANTHRO -- #14 -- to the world. If you think I've finished #14 a heck of a lot later than usual, well, you're right; let's just say that Real Life (mostly in the form of job-hunting, and temporary employment) *really* got in the way. Do you think it's unfortunate that mundane financial considerations can get in the way of my working on the 'zine? Me, too. Do you want to help prevent this sort of thing from happening again? Great! You are cordially invited to check out the selection at ANTHRO Press [ ], the ANTHRO Mall [ ], and Graphic Descriptions [* ], and purchase whatever may strike your fancy; alternately, feel free to browse ANTHRO's Adams-to-Zelazny collection of recommended furry books [ ] and/or the Ultimate Anthropomorphic Checklist [ ], and buy the one(s) that look good to you.
Anywho... Although this issue is the latest ANTHRO has ever been, its contents are such that I think you'll agree it was worth the wait!

Wed 26 Sep 2007 - 12:43

Quentin Long here with some bad news... and how *you* can help to make that bad news go away.
You'll recall that when I announced the uploading of ANTHRO #13, I mentioned that I was in danger of going homeless, *real* soon. The support this brought was welcome... but it just isn't enough. And here's how bad things are now:

I need USD $500 in the next five days, or I *will* be homeless.

The people who have *already* donated and bought advertisements, they've done their part... but there's only, like, 20 of them. 20... out of a grand total of about *ten* *bleeding* *THOUSAND* people who read and enjoy every issue of ANTHRO.
So here I am again, exhorting furdom-at-large to open your wallets on my behalf, so that *I* can continue to do something which has been a distinct asset to *you*. I'm not exactly enthused to be going all "PBS pledge night" on y'all, but if it works, it works, okay? So here's the deal...

I've reformatted ANTHRO #1 so that it'll fit nicely on a 240-pixel-wide screen -- which means it will work nicely on Palm Pilots or Blackberrys or whatever other PDA you might happen to have. Cross my palm with $2.99 in good USA silver, and it's yours!

Fri 21 Sep 2007 - 14:42

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here, welcoming you all to the latest (and, perhaps, *last*) issue of ANTHRO -- lucky Number 13! Why did I mention "last" just now? Because it's true: This issue *could* be ANTHRO's last. Let me get the bad news out of the way right now, and then go on to the *good* news of ANTHRO 13...

Tue 14 Aug 2007 - 14:52

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here with the latest news from Anthro.

In honor of our upcoming second anniversary issue, I've permanently slashed the price of ANTHROlogy One, the zine's first printed collection! Starting today, you can buy your very own ink-on-paper copy of almost everything from the zine's first six issues for USD $19.99 -- and that's a full 20% price cut. How can you resist?

In addition to the price drop, ANTHROlogy One is now available in downloadable PDF form, for a mere USD $4.99! So whether you were waiting for the PDF edition, or 'only' for a price cut... well, we've got you covered. And best of all, 75% of all profits will go to the writers and artists who made Anthro #s 1-6 what they are. Enjoy!

If you feel like taking advantage of this price drop, just surf on over to the ANTHRO Press website and do what comes naturally. We'll keep the light on for you, as the saying goes...

Thu 31 May 2007 - 11:14 -- the zine proper -- ANTHRO Press: We got books!* -- Graphic Descriptions: We got posters and t-shirts, too!

   Quentin "Editor-in-chief-for-life" Long here with another ANTHRO-y announcement. It's always been possible for people to subscribe to ANTHRO, and the price ($0.50 USD per issue, one full year of which works out to about the same as a Big Mac hamburger) certainly isn't any barrier... but I gotta admit that so far, the response from Furdom At Large has been decidedly underwhelming. So I've decided to raise the stakes!