Cubist's stories

Fri 4 May 2007 - 11:47 -- the zine proper -- ANTHRO Press: We got books!* -- Graphic Descriptions: We got posters and t-shirts, too!

This is Quentin 'Cubist' Long, making the Official (albeit belated) Announcement -- ANTHRO #11 is live and online for your reading pleasure! What can I say, I lapsed into a coma *immediately* after I uploaded the files... but I'm awake now, and here's the straight dope on what ANTHRO #11 has to offer.

Item: The website's gotten a facelift. The former design had certain problems, and hopefully I've solved them. I've put in some new features which will hopefully be of some use to you...
* Search engine. It's always available, 24/7, just waiting for you to type in whatever search-terms you want and give you a list of everything that fits your terms from *anywhere* in *any* issue of ANTHRO!
* Directory. Also available 24/7, this popup menu gives you one-click access to all of ANTHRO's major goodies -- including a few items that were previously known to only those few intrepid souls who went spelunking thru the zine's link structure.

Sat 3 Mar 2007 - 17:42 -- the zine proper -- ANTHRO Press: We got books!* -- Graphic Descriptions: We got posters and t-shirts, too!

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here once again, bringing you word of a new ANTHRO issue -- in this case, #10! This time around, the zine comes to you with a distinctly feline cover that's so good, a confirmed rabbit like Phil Geusz asked for a signed copy the moment he laid eyes on it! Talk about your pleasant surprises...

Item: Moving right along, the highlight of the issue might be the YARF! Reviews section of the ANTHRO Library. We got this started last issue, with every Patten review from YARF! #s 1-10; for the current issue, we added another *12* issues' worth of reviews, bringing us up to YARF! #22.

Mon 15 Jan 2007 - 11:52

-- THE HUMAN MEMOIRS, 582 pp. of furry goodness for only USD $19.99

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here. I was a bit dismayed to learn that Mr. Howell, author of THE HUMAN MEMOIRS, was less than enthused about the cover I'd created for his book; but I swallowed my price and asked if he had any better ideas for the cover.
Jesu Kriste, did he ever have a better idea! And you can see Howell's excellent art at this URL:

I've junked the original cover; from now on, I am happy to state that all copies of HUMAN MEMOIRS will proudly bear this work of art.

Tue 2 Jan 2007 - 12:58

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here with a most welcome sign of the new year: ANTHRO #9 is online for your reading pleasure! What with the holidays and all, we've got a bit less new material than usual. Even so, we think you're going to like this issue's lineup, from the cover -- Ursula Vernon's excellently sleazy DJINNSELLER -- on down.

Item: ANTHRO's Library has a new wing: The YARF! reviews. Yes, that's the legendary printed furzine, YARF!, whose reviewer was our own Fred Patten. With Mr. Patten's active cooperation, we are presenting every one of the reviews he wrote for YARF!; we've started with all the reviews from YARF! #s 1 through 10, and we will add a minimum of ten more YARF-columns' worth of reviews with each new issue of ANTHRO until we've got all 70 of Mr. Patten's review columns. "Hold it," some of you are saying. "What do you mean, '70'? YARF!'s latest issue was #69!" Well, that's true -- but Mr. Patten wrote some reviews for the never-printed YARF! #70, and we're going to present that previously unseen column here in ANTHRO!

Tue 2 Jan 2007 - 12:56

ANTHROlogy One ($19.99 until the end of 2006, $24.99 thereafter)
ANTHRO: The netzine that started it all!

Quentin Long here once again. I am proud to announce that G. Howell's world-renowned novel THE HUMAN MEMOIRS, the first serial presented in ANTHRO, is now available as a convenient paperback book! The $19.99 price buys you 580+ pages of 'furry' goodness that you can enjoy even when the Internet is down. Surf on over to the ANTHRO Press website and check it out! And while you're there, feel free to check out ANTHROlogy One, the first book from ANTHRO Press, not to mention Freedom City, the first typeface inspired by the work of Phil Geusz.

Fri 24 Nov 2006 - 12:23

Quentin Long here, with an announcement that's been a long time coming: ANTHROlogy One, the omnibus paperback edition of the first six issues of my netzine, ANTHRO, is available for anyone to purchase! It's 600+ pages -- and well over 200,000 words -- of stories, pictures, poems, columns, and articles by some of the best writers and artists in furdom.

Fri 24 Nov 2006 - 12:21 (the zine proper) (donations)

Quentin "Editor-for-life of ANTHRO" Long here with an announcement that some of you may find interesting -- particularly those people who send a lot of stuff through the US Postal Service. As it happens, you can get legitimate, genuine US postage printed up with your own graphics... and I've done just that with STRAIGHTAWAY, the nifty "centaur + horse race" picture that Lucius Appaloosius did for the cover of ANTHRO #2. Again, this is genuinely valid US postage you can put on letters or package or whatever other mail you send. "Sounds great," I hear you ask, "but how do I get my hands on these stamps?"

Fri 3 Nov 2006 - 12:35

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here, letting you know that the wait is over -- ANTHRO #8 is online for your reading pleasure! The cover image is a bit unusual, in that it's a kind of collaboration between myself and Lucius Appaloosius. The esteemed Mr. A did some art for a Secret Project (which should see the light of day in the next week or so)... and I Photoshopped on said art. Without mercy.
I think you'll enjoy the end result.

Fri 6 Oct 2006 - 10:48

Hello again. This is Quentin 'Cubist' Long here, notifying you of the final TSAT update, that being #48. Yes, "final", as in "#48 is the final issue". As per usual, we've got a few items that might be of some interest to the furry community. First, we have Transwar. This is a Magic: The Gathering-like card game that revolves around transmuting oneself into favious animal forms. As well, we've got a trio of TBP stories: The next installments of Downward Spiral (by the TBP Round Robin Collective), in which all sides of the SCAB/human conflict prepare for the next battles, and Running Wild (by Duncan Cougar and Quentin Long), in which Jubatus is forced ever-closer to his breaking point; and the complete story Tlaloc's Curse (by Wolfshadow), in which secrets are joyfully revealed. We also have Bryan Derksen's Hallowe'en Cinderella, and Michael Bard's The Coyote and Road Runner Show. (mirror) (main) (TSAT Mall) (TSAT Forum)

Sat 2 Sep 2006 - 15:33

Quentin 'Cubist' Long here, once again trumpting the good news: The latest issue of ANTHRO is online for your reading, and viewing, pleasure! This is, of course, the zine's seventh issue, which means it's our first anniversary. And in honor of the occasion, we've got some distinctly remarkable items -- including a story from an honest-to-God member of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Richard K. Lyon! There's also a TBP story by someone named Quentin Long; the way we see it, an anniversary issue is a perfectly good excuse for an editor to be a little self-indulgent... In addition, Phil Geusz managed the difficult feat of writing a furry story which doesn't have *any* anthropomorphic characters in it. How the heck is this *possible*, you ask? Well, you'll just have to read it to find out, won't you?