Furtopia plans closure of hosting service
Posted by GreenReaper on Sun 5 Dec 2010 - 04:51Long-time furry community Furtopia plans to close its hosting service. [Sonious/furryne.ws]
Site owner WhiteShepherd cited cost and loss of support staff as contributing factors.
The closure, effective February, affects hundreds of personal sites hosted on furtopia.org, impacting a number of artists and a mirror of long-running webcomic Fuzzy Things.
Furtopia's forums (attacked two years ago) will not be closing, nor will its IRC server.
FurreSpace threatens FurSpace with legal action over name
Posted by Alexander Grey on Sun 14 Dec 2008 - 02:36FurreSpace – the social networking site started by furry web host Furtopia – has threatened social newcomer FurSpace with legal action over the similarity of their names and domains.
In a statement posted on FurSpace, founder Kisuka questioned what copyright claims that FurreSpace has to the name, and asked the community for feedback on the case.
Furtopia hacked
Posted by Alexander Grey on Sun 23 Mar 2008 - 12:00Free furry web-hosting group Furtopia has been hacked and "destroyed" according to the website's administration. The website purportedly fell into the hands of splinter group LOLfurries, whose website was later suspended and reinstated by it's host a few days later. The forums were the only area of the website affected, the hosting remained unharmed.
Furtopia forums down after hack
Posted by GreenReaper on Mon 3 Mar 2008 - 00:00The forums of online furry community Furtopia are down, and will not be restored in their current form, says site administrator WhiteShepherd.[1]
The site suffered several attacks believed to be rooted in vulnerabilities in the forum software, Ikonboard. A hacker reportedly vandalized the forums, defaced the websites of hosted furry artists, and ultimately erased the hard drive on which the site was stored. Just hours after a three-day rebuild following the attack, the site was "destroyed" again.
In his announcement, WhiteShepherd blames splinter forum LOLfurries for the attack, saying that "passwords and private messages" were stolen, and "re-posted on their forums in the interest of providing [them] amusement."
However, regulars of LOLfurries disclaim responsibility for the hacker's actions.[2]
Furtopia Arts For Kids Community Project 9-16-05!
Posted by Anon on Fri 2 Sep 2005 - 13:55Furtopia is proud to sponsor our second "Furtopia Arts for Kids" community project on 9-16-05! See: http://www.artsforkids.furtopia.org
See also: this forum post.
Basicly here is how it works. Furtopia reaches out to talanted and caring artists. For those who can make it we gather artists and fursuiters here in Ohio. We then travel to children's hospitals where artists do will drawings for sick kids and fur suiters can perform for them! For those of you who cannot attend you can donate (children friendly) art. "new unopened toys", or paypal a donation to [email protected] to help us cover the expenses (we DO need finanicial help) of making this great gift happen!
"Furtopia Arts for Kids Community Project" a success!!
Posted by whiteshepherd on Sun 24 Oct 2004 - 21:27The Furtopia Arts for Kids Community Project has had it's first successful event and what a success!!! http://artsforkids.furtopia.org
On 10/20/2004 several Furtopian artists and a fursuiter went to the "Dayton Children's Medical Center" (this is a huge Children's hospital) to do art and perform for sick kids.
New Furtopia "Lister" Service Online!
Posted by whiteshepherd on Sat 18 Sep 2004 - 21:05Looking for a fast and convient way to gallery your furry art? For furry Artists who would like an EASY to use gallery and still have the option to add a web page when they are ready, Furtopia web accounts now have a EASY built-in art gallery option with their free web sites for furry artists (art, writing, & music).
With our new listing feature any Furtopia/Dragaoncity web directories that do not have a web page will be listed with thumbnails of all images/artwork in an easy to view gallery format (instead of a plain listing of files). See: http://www.testme.furtopia.org for an example. Descriptions to thumbnails are easily added. Just sort your art in folders you name and upload. That's all there is to it. :)
Furtopia's useful web hosting features (PHP, Perl, MYSQL, CGI, SSI, and more) all remain in full service so you can add/upgrade to a full web site at any time. In fact, if you like the "look" and ease of the Furtopia Web Lister, you can use it by linking from your created web pages as a quick way to add your art.
Feel free to let us know what you think of this new program and any services you may find useful (email and our busy furry forums). Our lister service is newly finished and more features will be comming soon! If you know an Artist who would like to display their furry art but has no web experience feel free to recommend a Furtopia/Dragoncity account. It's EXTREMELY easy to use and the account can be used for a personal art web page whenever the artist is ready!
Furtopia also has a friendly staff for answering the questions of newbies and veterans alike (see forums).
WhiteShepherd & Kada-Ru Furtopia staff
Furtopia Arts for Kids Community Project!
Posted by whiteshepherd on Wed 1 Sep 2004 - 17:37Furtopia is proud to sponsor needy children with the help of Furry artists and fursuiters in our "Furtopia Arts for Kids Community Project". The goal of this project is to gather experienced furry artists and talented fursuiters (up to 12 total) to entertain sick children at the local Children's Hospital in Dayton, Ohio (Oct 20th). Housing and modest meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) will be provided to artists/fursuiters who wish to travel and help brighten the day of a needy child. If you think
you would like to help with this project contact WhiteShepherd at [email protected] .
NOTE: We are also accepting donations of art (reviewed first and must be POSITIVE G-rated art, humor recommended) for donation to the hospital for hanging in the children's rooms. If you have some art piece(s) you are considering donating please email a preview of the art you wish to send to [email protected] and we will inform you if we can use your art. Wish us luck on this important Furtopia charity project!
http://artsforkids.furtopia.org will be the future website of this project (Due up Sep 3rd).
Furtopia Art and Poerty Contests!
Posted by Anon on Wed 1 Sep 2004 - 17:36There is still time to enter the Furtopia Art and Poetry contests which ends (9-7-04)! A link to the winning entries will be posted on the Furtopia main page! You can find information and submit entries here: http://artcontest.furtopia.org & http://poetrycontest.furtopia.org .
For information contact [email protected] (http://www.furtopia.org)
Furtopia Poetry Contest now open!
Posted by whiteshepherd on Mon 22 Dec 2003 - 17:10I would like to officially announce Furtopia’s forth furry Poetry Contest! Any fur may enter into this writing contest.
There is a limit of 2 posts per writer. Poetry submitted cannot be of a content rating greater than PG. Poetry submitted should express some relationship or feeling to Furrydom. Furtopia staff reserves the right to reject any post they deem disruptive.
On January the 15th, Furtopia admins will all cast their vote. The selected poetry (and some runners up) will be linked up in the web (main Furtopia page) world light with some selected reviews on the writing. Staff may post poems if they wish but will not be in the contest.
Our last contest winners with comments can be found here.
This is a great way to get comments back on your poems. :) So good luck and start writing!
New Furtopia.org Update! :)
Posted by whiteshepherd on Tue 2 Dec 2003 - 04:43New major update! Just to let fursons know the furry web hosting community, Furtopia, has undergone a new and major update! The new design is easier and more intuitive for users and helps in finding Furtopia's many public services. Lots of thanks to all the Furtopia users who have helped and shared in the growth of this non-commercial community service! It's through your efforts that we are where we are today. :) Furtopia, once the new breed underdog of the fandom has grown on reputation and now stands at 300+ hosted web sites and 400+ registered users on Furtopia's forums .
Furtopia Art & Poetry Contest! Now open! :)
Posted by whiteshepherd on Wed 6 Aug 2003 - 08:16Hello this is WhiteShepherd announcing a third Furtopia art and poetry contest. The art contest can be found here: http://artcontest.furtopia.org and the poetry contest can be found here: http://poetrycontest.furtopia.org :) Any fur is welcome to participate in these contests. It’s a nice chance to have your furry artwork/writing reviewed for comments and judging. You will be able to show your work and explain with your post to your public “what” makes this art special to you. Winners in the contest will get their work put up in lights with comments to the work on a link off of Furtopia’s main page.
Furtopia Community Forums application now open! :)
Posted by whiteshepherd on Wed 4 Jun 2003 - 13:08Furtopia Community Forums is now open to the furry public. Goal: To help get furs together. :)
Furtopia Furry E-cards Now Open :)
Posted by whiteshepherd on Thu 6 Feb 2003 - 10:10Yea! *does a happy dance* After weeks of work fighting with perl and pascal code I got my original Furry E-cards back up now under Furtopia and improved. It basically lets furs send furry oriented e-cards to each other while promoting the web pages of the artists who have created cards. There is also a link for artists to create their own Furry E-cards for their own web pages. :)
For those who want to check it out here is the link: http://furcard.furtopia.org .
It still needs a little checking and appearance fixes. But over all everything seems to work smoothly so far. I am so happy this is finally done. I've been trying to get this off the ground for sooooooooooo long. ;) Give it a try and let us know what you think!
WhiteShepherd (Furtopia Admin)
New Furtopia Art Contest! Now open! :)
Posted by whiteshepherd on Tue 24 Dec 2002 - 10:35Hello this is WhiteShepherd announcing a new Furtopia art contest. The contest is here. Any fur is welcome to participate in this contest. It’s a nice chance to have your artwork reviewed for comment and judging. You the artists will be able to show your work and explain to your public “what” makes this art special to you. Winners in the contest will get their work put up in lights with comments on a link off of Furtopia’s main page.