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New Update! :)
Posted by whiteshepherd on Tue 2 Dec 2003 - 04:43New major update! Just to let fursons know the furry web hosting community, Furtopia, has undergone a new and major update! The new design is easier and more intuitive for users and helps in finding Furtopia's many public services. Lots of thanks to all the Furtopia users who have helped and shared in the growth of this non-commercial community service! It's through your efforts that we are where we are today. :) Furtopia, once the new breed underdog of the fandom has grown on reputation and now stands at 300+ hosted web sites and 400+ registered users on Furtopia's forums .
Aside from providing web hosting for the arts or linking for users with existing sites, one of the new services is the Furtopia Artist Parade. This service showcases the different styles of many furry artists across the fandom plus we are continually adding new inspiring artists. Another service Spam Shield slated to open on the 1st of December is geared to protect artists website e-mail addresses from getting used by spammers.
There are many good furry services, and lots more to come. Feel free to take a look and let us know what you think! :)
WhiteShepherd Furtopia Admin ( [email protected] )