Furries In The Media
Extremely bad advice
So, anyway, I'm bored, so I've apparently been on "google news" duty this week, but there have actually been some interesting stuff recently.
Hey, look! This time they rhymed "furry" with a Mad magazine reference!
Sex advice column (ominous music and thunder crash). But wait, there's a twist! Basically, guy with a fetish for fur is having trouble, partially because he's a guy with a fetish for fur, partially because he's afraid he'll get mistaken for a furry.
As comments on last two posts to this community's original source (I guess this would be it's third post link in a row) reveal, Mr. Fur Fetish man shares this predicament with the "poor zoos."
Good company to be in, buddy.
Hey, look! This time they rhymed "furry" with a Mad magazine reference!
Sex advice column (ominous music and thunder crash). But wait, there's a twist! Basically, guy with a fetish for fur is having trouble, partially because he's a guy with a fetish for fur, partially because he's afraid he'll get mistaken for a furry.
As comments on last two posts to this community's original source (I guess this would be it's third post link in a row) reveal, Mr. Fur Fetish man shares this predicament with the "poor zoos."
Good company to be in, buddy.
Categories: News
OddiSee FurryTale
lj-embed id=344 /br /br /Interestingbr /br /a href=http://www.oddisee.tv/2010/10/a-furrytale/http://www.oddisee.tv/2010/10/a-furrytale//a
Categories: News
Furry documentary on odisee.tv
a href=http://www.oddisee.tv/http://www.oddisee.tv//abr /br /Fjordwolf is interviewed for this.
Categories: News
Furries make the sports page. Kind of.
The a href=http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/11/16/the-omaha-royals-get-a-new-nameOmaha Royals get a new name./a NBC sports reporter Craig Calcaterra is either not impressed with the name Storm Chasers, or some weather guy at his affiliate wasnt very nice to him. Or maybe both. br /br /Calcaterra brings up the a href=http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/44746_geekchartbig.gifgeek hierarchy/a, comparing his weather rivals to Klingon speaking Trekkies, erotic fanfic writers and, of course, furries. br /br /Guys a sports writer. If the weather guys are giving him lip or whatever, shouldnt he just jock out and give them swirlies or something?
Categories: News
Did you know there is a kind of art work out there?
With different kind of subjects?br /br /A New York high schooler reports on a href=http://my.hsj.org/Schools/Newspaper/tabid/100/view/frontpage/articleid/388849/newspaperid/410/Furries_A_Lifestyle_Unknown.aspxFurries, a Lifestyle Unknown./a Like most high schoolers, has no idea what hes doing or talking about, but its kind of adorable.
Categories: News
Furry movie in Cinekink film festival
Theres a mention of furries in a href=http://www.tbd.com/blogs/amanda-hess/2010/11/cinekink-your-excuse-to-discreetly-attend-a-bdsm-dungeon-party-4438.htmlthis blog/a on the website of TBD, a cable television network serving Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia, and Suburban Maryland:br /br /iCinekink: Your excuse to discreetly attend a BDSM dungeon partybr /br /This weekend, sex-positive film festival Cinekink will bring two nights of cinematic inquiry into spanking, bfurries/b, and compulsive eating to the District. /ibr /br /The furries section involves a film entitled a href=http://cinekink.bside.com/2010/films/sheepandtheranchhand_lorettahintz_cinekink2010The Sheep and the Ranch Hand/a (official site a href=http://sheepranchhandmovie.com/here/a). The synopsis is:br /br /iIn this funny, sexy romp, a woman dreams shes been transformed into a sheep.br /br /In love and in lust with her handsome, butch ranch hand, she delights in being her bestial self, and finds a freedom both unexpected and profoundly empowering./ibr /br /br /I dunno. It sounds pretty baaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaad.
Categories: News
Christopher Hart gets into the act
a href=http://www.amazon.com/dp/0823033457http://www.amazon.com/dp/0823033457/a
Categories: News
On the little known Current TV network,
On the little known Current TV network, theres a weekly show called Infomania. Honestly, its a little gem that not enough people have heard of. Each week, they do a breakdown of magazine covers and always include a How the %#$ is this a magazine?! segment. This week, they included a crafting magazine and also mentioned furries. While they dont have a link to the segment on their website, furries ALSO get a mention in their Viral Video Film School clip.br /br /a href=http://current.com/shows/infomania/91321980_youtubes-creepiest-fetish-costumes.htmhttp://current.com/shows/infomania/91321980_youtubes-creepiest-fetish-costumes.htm/abr /br /Good shit. And some of you may have ended up on TV and not even realized.
Categories: News
Help our Friends...
I know that this isnt a typical FurryMedia post, but this is important...br /br /div class=header1 style=text-align: center;span style=color: rgb(0, 0, 255);span style=font-size: x-large;strongPlease Help Our Friends /strong/span/span/div br / At approximately 5am on October 29, 2010, the house that our friends called home for the past year caught fire. The fire started in a neighbors house and quickly moved into their house. The people involved was as follows... br / br / centerb Ben (aka Blithe) br /br / Cheyenne (aka Thrashbear) br /br / Dave (aka Corvus) br /br / Chris (aka Landis) br /br /br /PHOTOnbsp;PAGE - PLEASEnbsp;DONATEnbsp;ATnbsp;THEnbsp;FOLLOWINGnbsp;LINK...br /a href=http://rescuefurs.com/millvale/span style=color: rgb(255, 0, 0);span style=font-size: x-large;http://rescuefurs.com/millvale/br //span/span/abr //b/center br /
Categories: News
Bear suits at the Stewart/Colbert Rally
emThe Sunlight Foundation, a non-profit organization that uses “technology and ideas to make government transparent and accountable,” says it is planning to attend the rally dressed as bears -- of the grizzly, panda and teddy variety./embr /br /a href=http://www.nbcwashington.com/around-town/events/Bears-to-take-part-in-the-John-Stewart-Stephen-Colbert-Rally-105924163.htmlhttp://www.nbcwashington.com/around-town/events/Bears-to-take-part-in-the-John-Stewart-Stephen-Colbert-Rally-105924163.html/a
Categories: News
Woyros Warren Episode 109---Skunk in the Dark Prepares for Furfright
br /so, last night i wasnt sleeping very well.nbsp; not that i was sick or anything.nbsp; just restless.nbsp; br /br /i woke up at 3:30am this morning and decided to do my podcast.nbsp; i talk about getting my car fixed and planning for Furfright this weekend.br /br /as usual, you can subscribe through iTunes, or listen to/download nbsp;the show over at a href=http://www.woyroswarren.mevio.com/http://www.woyroswarren.mevio.com/abr /br /you can also download the file from divshare:nbsp; a href=http://www.divshare.com/download/12994710-71dhttp://www.divshare.com/download/1299471wbr/wbr0-71d/abr /br /and heres the handy player thingie if you want to listen now.nbsp; its only about 23 minutes.nbsp; about average length.br /br /lj-embed id=342 /br /now pardon me...ive gotta go pack for the con!br /br /
Categories: News
NBCConnecticut.com news article on FurFright
a href=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39850266/ns/local_news-hartford_ct/http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39850266/ns/local_news-hartford_ct//a
Categories: News
Furries for the smarts
a href=http://clevelandrg.us.mensa.org/content/programs.htmhttp://clevelandrg.us.mensa.org/content/programs.htm/abr /br /This is more furry PR than furry media, but it sounds good (it happened a month ago):br /br /br /Friday 11 PM– Midnight br /What is This Furry Fandom?br /In 2009, the Mensa Annual Gathering shared Pittsburgh with Anthrocon. For some, this was their first exposure to furries in real life. Some Mensans attended both the AG and AC. Come and listen to Commander Kitsune talk about this sensationalized fandom that was once just a fringe element of the science fiction fantasy fandom. From costuming, to creative arts, to alternative life styles, the furry fandom is one of the more diverse fandoms and many times defies definition. This is an adults only presentation. br /Presented by Larry Wise (CAM Member) - Larry is a retired US Navy Commander. He works as a computer systems architect for a major telecommunications company and also owns his own multimedia company. At other times, Larry can be found at hockey games, sports car races, fandom conventions, or Wolf Park.
Categories: News
Furries on The Engadget Show
So I was watching the most recent episode of a href=http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/25/the-engadget-show-014-aaron-woodman-windows-phone-7-google/The Engadget Show/a and as its halloween, they had a costume contest. Was quite surprised to see that amongst the contestants, theres a pair of furries on there (first seen around 55mins into the episode)br /br /Heres some screengrabs:br /br /a href=http://www.slycat.co.uk/lj/engadget_fursuit1.jpgimg border=0 src=http://www.slycat.co.uk/lj/engadget_fursuit1_t.jpg/a a href=http://www.slycat.co.uk/lj/engadget_fursuit2.jpgimg border=0 src=http://www.slycat.co.uk/lj/engadget_fursuit2_t.jpg/abr /br /I didnt quite get the name of the first and the second just calls himself dragon but Im sure Ive seen these suits before. Anyone recognise them? :)
Categories: News
JOPcast: Round 2
It was months ago that I first appeared on two local Wichita comedian brothers podcast, Jews-of-the-Plains-Cast, or JOPcast. I finally returned. I can tell by the amazing reaction to my original post to this group (I think somebody actually read it, even!) that you all are waiting for this with baited breath.br /br /a href=http://www.jewsoftheplains.com/http://www.jewsoftheplains.com//abr /br /Im Brenden Ketchell, (so totally mispelled my name I can put it here and still feel reasonably anonymous), so, there you go. Last one I appeared on was the Live @ The Loony Bin one down the page, if you missed that. br /br /Its a comedy cast, so it kind of goes all over the place. I have no idea how bad or good it was for the fandom, but I do know it has its funny moments, and that was my goal.
Categories: News
Disneys Sonny with a Chance with Pauly the Polar Bear
pMy kids were watching Sonny with a Chance last night and they had an episode about quot;Paulyquot; who is a polar bear mascot with a kids TV show.nbsp; There were a couple of references to furries, or at least those who like dressing up as mascots.nbsp; The teacher who dates the individual inside the Pauly suit referred to him as quot;the other furry man in my lifequot; (her pet cat being the first) and the juice bar they all meet in at the end was called quot;Plushquot;.nbsp; The wait staff at the bar all wore mascots.nbsp; There were lots of references to sweaty, smelly costumes and questions as to why anyone would put one on.br /br /Anyway I sat and watched it and I was entertained.nbsp; Nothing malicious in it.nbsp; Here is a link Inbsp;found on youtube.nbsp; The episode was entitled The Problem with Paulybr /br /a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1mMmB1Gv4wwww.youtube.com/watch/a/p
Categories: News
Red Furros Interview with furry writer Kyell Gold
Red Furros interviewed Furry writer Kyell Gold:br /br /a href=http://bit.ly/9FnfYGhttp://bit.ly/9FnfYG/abr /br /img alt= src=http://furros.dasoluciones.com/portal/attachment.php?attachmentid=334amp;d=1287638441 /
Categories: News
Article and Video from AOL
I found this interesting article and video on AOL this week. Here is the link.br /br /a href=http://t.love.com/377677216http://t.love.com/377677216/a
Categories: News
Courtney Cox and David Arquette... in fursuits... yiffing?
Apparently Courtney Cox, David Arquette, and Jack McBrayer dressed up in fursuits for a new PSA.nbsp; The actual subject behind the PSAnbsp;is veiled until the last 30 seconds or so, almost like a Super Bowl commercial.br /br /Whole article here:nbsp;a href=http://bit.ly/aUiJ2Chttp://bit.ly/aUiJ2C/abr /br /Heres the video:br /lj-embed id=340 /
Categories: News
Dear Margo column: When Your Ears Are Part of Your Outfit
No one seems to have picked this one up, so I thought Id send it in.br /br /a href=http://www.wowowow.com/life/dear-margo-dealing-dying-friends-499156A letter-writer asks Margo Howard about the etiquette of wearing cat ears/a (scroll down to the second letter) to the wedding of a bride who requested they not be worn. Margo enthusiastically gives her a green light; numerous commenters chastise the writer for doing something childish and disrespectful.br /br /The letter-writer is never explicitly identified as a furry, and doesnt allude to a love for animals (anthropomorphic or otherwise) beyond her habit of wearing this tiger-ear headband that her husband had given her years before. Given that the wearing of ears is closely associated with our fandom, however---a fact that did not escape some of the commenters---I believe this column is relevant.br /br /(For my part, I suspect she is in fact a furry, but left out that bit of context to avoid falling down a rabbit hole explaining the fandom.)
Categories: News