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Baby Looney Tunes!

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Yes, it's apparently true - Warner Bros. Animation is a producing a new BABY LOONEY TUNES show, possibly for Cartoon Network.
BABY LOONEY TUNES has been a successful licensing property for Warner Bros. for about ten years. You've seen the party favors, the baby bottles, teething rings and such staring at you from the shelves of the supermarket. I believe there are even childrens books with the characters. LITTLE GO BEEP, the most recent Looney Tune theatrical cartoon was based on the Baby Looney Tunes Coyote & Roadrunner.
Internet rumor says Granny will be the caretaker of the lot of baby Bugs, Daffy, Taz, Lola and so on (ala MUPPET BABIES).


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What an original idea! It's never been done before! What an unique concept- taking popular cartoon characters and doing them up in their younger years- wow! I'm just so amazed at the inventiveness of the folks at WB.


I hope it doesn't happen. There's no reason to ruin another set of classic characters with rehashed and poorly done younger versions.

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[I hope it doesn't happen. There's no reason to ruin another set of classic characters with rehashed and poorly done younger versions.]

Too late, there was "Tiny Toons," after all.

"We use them for divine retribution."

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I agree with your sentiment - the 'babies' thing with classic cartoons has been done to death (at one point I used to joke with my family about the possibility of a Ghostbuster Babies cartoon), but I don't think Tiny Toons is a good example. For one thing, the Tiny Toon characters are not that young - adolescents or a bit older. But more importantly, they're characters in their own right, with distinct personalities from the older Looney Toon characters, unlike a "babies" cartoon where they're just younger versions of their older selves.

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>> Internet rumor says Granny will be the caretaker of the lot of baby Bugs, Daffy, Taz,

>> Lola and so on (ala MUPPET BABIES).

And since this will be far back in time, Granny will no longer be an old spinster. She'll be a 24 year old biker chick dressed in black leather, carrying a riding crop, and riding a Harley when she and her drunken live-in boyfriend named Thud aren't fighting. She'll be known throughout the community as Broadside (for reasons the animators will clearly show.)

I swear; sometimes I think that the powers which come up with television and movies haven't got half a clue among the entire collective groupmind.

Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!

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'And since this will be far back in time, Granny will... be a 24 year old biker chick fighting with her drunken live-in boyfriend... and known throughout the community as Broadside'.

Shockwave -- you're kidding, right? I mean, NO ONE could come up with an idea as dumb as this. Besides, for those who care anout such things, it goes against everything WB ever said about the character before this.

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This just in...Irony has checked into the hospital and is hovering at death's door. Film at eleven.

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