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Athus Nadorian, designer for Bad Dragon, reported dead

Edited by aquariusotter as of Mon 25 Feb 2013 - 00:29
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Brian Dyer, known in furry fandom as Athus Nadorian, was reportedly killed in a car accident.

Athus, 29, was an artist, and co-owner and lead designer for Bad Dragon, a company which specializes in toys of a sexual nature. He was mated to Narse.

Athus died on October 11. The vehicle he was a passenger in was believed to have failed to yield to oncoming traffic when making a turn, resulting in a collision with another car. In response to his death, Athus's friends and family have set up a memorial website.


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One furs death then another....This is becoming a sad week.

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@anon Yeah...

Your rating: None Average: 3.2 (9 votes)

Words aren't enough to express my sadness... *lights a candle in memory of Athus*

Your rating: None Average: 2.3 (21 votes)

"He was mated to Narse."

Just say Narse was his boyfriend/husband/partner/significant other, FFS.

Your rating: None Average: 2.1 (17 votes)

I second that.

Your rating: None Average: 1.5 (17 votes)

If it's acceptable to refer to Brian Dyer as we would an animal ("He was mated to Narse."), is he going to be buried in a pet cemetery or something?

And puh-lease, spare me your "How dare you speak ill of the dead?!" flames, furries. At least I'm not the one referring to a human being's conscious, complex, sentient, sapient socio-sexual relationships using terminology intended for the purely instinctive, biological compulsions of dumb animals.

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Since that is the term they used for one another and was not just the article writer's terminology, I find it an acceptable use.

"My mate for five years now is athus and I love him very much." -Narse's profile here:

"I'm mated to the wonderful and talented narse." -Athus's profile here:

It's not speaking ill of the dead, it's waiting until the individual is dead to speak ill of the terminology they used in life. In my mind, that's even more cowardly.

EDIT: Voting everyone but yours comment a 1 now? Mature, what are you 12? Actually no, that's an insult to 12 year olds.

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The term "mate" was used by the submitter, and in the subject's WikiFur article (which referenced the user's FA profile). It would be inappropriate to substitute another term without further knowledge of their relationship.

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Nice attempt at a stealth troll. This is just a cowardly way to whine about the terminology furries use, which is something you apparently loath with sufficient intensity for it to manipulate your internet posting habits.

That sounds like a pretty instinctual and unthinking behavior to me.

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I admit, it fascinates me when someone goes so far out of their way to disparage the deceased and their loved ones, all to support their prejudices against a community they happen to dislike. It's truly interesting, purely from a sociological standpoint, that our world is capable of breeding such damaged and damaging opinions -- through insular groups built on misbegotten machismo instead of a will to improve our shared existence.


Personally, I mourn the loss of someone who was a friend, an inspiration, and a kind soul that was close to many of us. Athus will be missed.

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Furries and animals are not the only ones that use the term mate. Normal people can use it if you don't want to say husband or wife and it's also present in terms like soul-mate.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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Have you never before seen a group's jargon that includes common words with slightly different meaning or implications? Or did you just want the attention that equivocation would get you?

Your rating: None Average: 3 (5 votes)

I knew neither fur that passed this week, but they both certainly had left before their time. Hopefully the love and life they gave to those closest to them will continue on.

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There is one memorial in this that has left me without words. The link is safe for work, but may be triggery for anyone close to him:

Wind and water to thy wings, Athus.

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This is also being discussed on the Bad Dragon forum.

Your rating: None Average: 1 (11 votes)

Someday the Large Hadron Collider will finally succeed in finding the Higgs Boson and they can set it to work locating something even more miniscule: namely, the extent of my concern for what furries think of me.

Your rating: None Average: 4.2 (6 votes)

Guys, I don't care what you think of me!

Look at me not caring what you think! Are you guys watching? You guys are watching, right?

Guys, why aren't you watching me not care!

Hey, come back here!

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Which is why you posted anonymously I suppose, makes sense.

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"the extent of my concern for what furries think of me."

That would be believable if you hadn't posted anonymously.
By posting anonymously, what it says to me that you want to avoid your comments being linked to your name ... thus you do seem to care of what furries think of you.

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So many furries dying this year.

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Just so they know this... Furfright had posted on the second day that he had passed. And Sunday they got word about Findra's passing :( Both of which I had become close to and was looking forward to seeing :(

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My condolences to the family and friends of Athus.

Your rating: None Average: 2.1 (12 votes)

Using words like "mate" makes me take this as seriously as your typical WikiFur vanity page.

And why does the memorial site fail to mention that he made dildos for a living?

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Because they know that astute people who are obsessed over that detail will bring it up on every possible occasion I'm sure.

Your rating: None Average: 3.4 (5 votes)

The 'mate' issue was already dealt with earlier. And how is what he did for a living relevant to the memorial?

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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I think doing something that gave enjoyment to hundreds of people is worth mentioning as a positive thing.

Few of us have the luxury of making goods that people want to buy.

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But they already mentioned he gave enjoyment to people... I think they were trying to avoid a "taboo" debate if anything.

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Lest we forget

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Um...he wasn't a dragon. Just thought you should know.

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i mean he literally either purchased or asked for and recieved (i dont know if money was exchanged) LITERAL dolphin p*rn with real living dolphins so... its good he's dead. He was involved in the Conny-Land Dolph Ring in Switzerland

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The Dolph Ring:

The guy who fucked the dolphin is very active in the USA now with the furry con scene and the old guard Calzoo crew.

The deep zoophile infestation of the fandom carries on with uncritical praises and looking the other way, and the result was the snuff porn ring with Kero that was rooted in the Calzoo crew decades ago.

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