Dawgtown is a work-in-progress feature film created with traditional 2D animation. It tells the story of Max, a young pit bull who is separated from his owner and forced into the brutal world of Dawgtown, where underground dog fights are arranged.
In Dawgtown, Max meets other dogs, including Athena the two-time champion, and Mauler ("the meanest battledog in the pit"). Athena sees something different in Max, and together they plan a revolution, with the hope of breaking out of Dawgtown and finding a better life.
The project's creator, Justin Murphy, has animated several shots in the opening sequence, and pencil-tested and storyboarded others. He is now seeking crowdfunding on Indiegogo, to hire actors to record the film's dialogue, and storyboard the rest of the film.
With six days to go, the project has received $10,092 in pledges, of a goal of $10,000.