Feren's stories

Sun 17 Jun 2001 - 10:16

From the Yerf News page, posted June 15th:

I'd like to ask for some feedback, please. I want to know what everybody expects, wants to see, wants me to do, etc..

To tell you the truth, I get very little to no feedback as it is!

So, if you like Yerf but would like to see some things change, email me.

If you like Yerf and don't want to see anything change, email me.

If you hate Yerf and want to see some things change, email me.

If you just want to say Yerf sucks and not care if anything changes, email me!

I'd seriously like some feedback so I can improve this place. That's what I've been wanting to do all along.
I'll post some of the feedback I get here at the end of the week (without names, of course). -Dingo

Tue 5 Jun 2001 - 18:13

Taken from The Suburban Jungle's front page:

LIVE chat with Drezzer Wolf! 9 PM eastern time, this Friday (June 8th), our ever-lovin', blue-eyed wuff will be online to chat about the long, strange trip that has been his life, from UK to the runway. See the info below about chatting with Dover for the technical details ... the setup will be entirely the same except that this will be a moderated chat. (Apparently, Drezzer doesn't type as fast as Dover does.)

See you there!

Mon 21 May 2001 - 14:25

Got this in my email around 1pm 5/21:


This is an administrative message from FurBid:

We had a bit of unexpected down-time yesterday afternoon.
Somehow, the name server on Transform got re-enabled, allowing us to get hit by
the l10n worm again. We had to re-load from Saturday night back-ups, so
unfortunately, any bids placed between 8am and 4:30pm may have been lost.
Please, check any auctions that you have bid on between 5-19-2001 and

My sysadmin swears to me that yes, this time he has removed the vulnerable
server, and it will not be going back on. However, I have started an hourly back-up of FurBid's data files, independant of his bi-daily backup. This should
never happen again.

Anyfur that was affected by this, please e-mail me at [email protected].
Please include your username, the auction # and category that was/were
affected, plus any other info that would help us re-construct your bid(s).
On behalf of FurBid, I apologize for the frustration this may have caused you
all. -Aatheus

Thank you and please tell a friend about us!



Fri 18 May 2001 - 13:45

John Robey's web comic, The Suburban Jungle, is a "furry" comic that follows the life and times of aspiring model Tiffany Tiger, as well as her coworkers and associates. It has been successful enough to spawn the book La Vida Panthera, a collection of TSJ comics published by the good folks at Plan 9 Publishing. The following was posted 5/18 on the website:

Wed 16 May 2001 - 07:55

The website for FurToonia MUCK, located at http://www.furtoonia.net has returned. I'm not quite sure why it was down, quite possibly it was due to renevations to the site or a hosting glitch. But what is important is that it has returned, and it has a slick JAVA application for MUCKing via your webbrowser.

Tue 15 May 2001 - 07:49

This was posted by Benjamin on alt.fan.furry:

The fandom's favorite cockroach, Uncle Kage, will be our special guest
at Feral! 2001, and we are very pleased to announce that he will be sharing
a number of his fascinating tales during his renowned Story Hour!
It's the perfect scene to enjoy stories in, don't you think? A campfire
blazing, the stars overhead, the fresh night air...

Feral! will be held August 22 to 26, 2001, at the Kinark Outdoor
Centre, in Ontario, Canada. You can find all the keen details on this event
at our web site...

Hiker, one of the attending artists and instructors, has done a drawing
that illustrates the upcoming event event nicely. You can find it at...

We hope to see you at Feral! 2001!


I have to agree, this is a great setting for Kage to pull out all the stops and show his story-telling prowess.

Tue 15 May 2001 - 07:47

It's odd how the timing for this couldn't be more perfect: On one hand, we have the newsbit that Micah posted regarding the conditions found in a large-production slaughterhouse. It roused a little debate -- although not as much as some people may have expected -- regarding the potential validity of this article, as well as a few remarks on the conditions humans subject themselves to, with a dash of "is organic farming reasonable?" thrown in for seasoning. On the other hand (paw?) we have the article about Furry fans appearing on the hit TV show "E.R." and the possible negative repurcussions it can have on the fandom. I watched some of the tidbits that were taped and converted to streaming media, and I personally don't see what the people on alt.fan.furry are up in arms about -- the Furry fandom has had worse blows (Vanity Fair, anyone? Or have we already forgotten the "Rapid T. Rabbit" interview on The Daily Show?) in its past. Surprisingly enough to me all the flames and knee-jerk reactions have stayed on a.f.f. and off of the Flayrah threads.

Read on for Feren's take on the lunatic fringe.
Tue 15 May 2001 - 07:41

Information about the rates, accomodations and guidelines for persons interested in purchasing space in the dealer's room at Midwest FurFest has been made available online. All the necessary information can be found on the Dealer's Information Page. The necessary forms (the Dealer Application, Registration Form and Dealer Agreement) are available online in PDF and MSWord formats. The convention does request that any dealer-related correspondence be mailed to [email protected] and not the main MFF mailing address.

Fri 11 May 2001 - 12:26

I received the following email from the FurBid administration account:

Wed 9 May 2001 - 15:45

This article at CNN is a neat read. Evidentally, last Thursday, May 3rd, the National Zoo welcomed the one millionth visitor to their new giant panda exhibit. Some intriguing facts are peppered throughout the article, including just how we convinced China to loan us the pandas. I, for one, didn't even know it was a loan...