PeterCat's stories

Sun 8 Dec 2002 - 12:37

This Google News search will find the Associated Press investigative report on the underground trade in exotic animals for meat and hides. The full article (transmitted in advance to news organizations but not available to the general public) runs about 2000 words, although local papers may edit it to include a local angle or shorten it for space.

Sat 7 Dec 2002 - 22:28

The "USA Today" issue of December 6 includes an article on the ownership of exotic pets, and what can happen when the owners can't care for, or control, the animals.

Also, keep an eye out for a lengthy (and grisly) Associated Press story to be released soon, on the trade in exotic animal meat and hides.

Sun 13 Jan 2002 - 13:58

The Ananova web site reports that newspaper and TV photographers in the Netherlands, in their eagerness to get a photo of a rare snowy owl (popularized by the recent release of the Harry Potter movie), may have hounded it to death. Complete article is at

Wed 11 Apr 2001 - 12:17

I've finished mailing out the Anthrocon Art Show info packets with reservation forms to everyone on my mailing list, and will shortly finish sending them to those who asked for Art Show info when they pre-registered for Anthrocon. If you're an artist and wish to receive one, please send me your full (legal) name and postal address. The Anthrocon web page will be updated with Art Show info in a week or so, but I still prefer to send the reservation forms by postal mail, as this allows more time to sort out any address difficulties before mailing the paperwork you'll need at the con, as well as your payment check afterwards.