crossaffliction's stories

Sun 13 Mar 2011 - 02:40

Pokémon Black and White legendariesThe fifth generation of Pokémon began by announcing a semi-anthro fox over a year ago. Now, Pokémon Black and White have hit your local video game outlet.

After four generations, Pokémon is a household name. Like the Nintendo DS – hosting five versions of the game, not counting side-trips like the Pokémon Ranger and Mystery Dungeon series – the Pokémon franchise is all but a license to print money.

Add a few critters and upgrades, slap on Pikachu's friendly face and shove it out the door, right?

Wrong. This generation of Pokémon has evolved.

Mon 7 Mar 2011 - 21:51

small_Rango.jpg When first shown the trailer to Nickelodeon Movies' Rango, I was unimpressed. Though the inclusion of Johnny Depp would normally be interesting, I assumed he was just another slumming celebrity voice. And the character designs were a bit offputting. To put it mildly. But the revelation that the director for the movie was Gore Verbinski did pique my interest.

Rango is Verbinski's eighth film; previous work includes such oddities as Mousehunt (which furry fans may be somewhat familiar with), the American remake of The Ring (one of Bravo's "100 Scariest Movie Moments" selections), and the three released Pirates of the Caribbean movies — the third of which made him one of only four directors to gross over a billion dollars at the box office (putting him in the company of Peter Jackson, Christopher Nolan and Ursa Major Award-winning James Cameron). In other words, Verbinski is a director to watch.

But does Rango live up to some of his previous works?

Sat 12 Feb 2011 - 20:40

Portal of Evil (PoE) closed down last week after over a decade of "atrocity tourism".

The site – founded in late 1999 by Cleveland, Ohio-based duo K. Thor Jensen and Chet Faliszek – was a directory of "weird, unusual and evil" websites, each discussed and mocked in turn by PoE forum members. Numerous furry sites were featured, including the website of 2 the Ranting Gryphon (who devoted a rant to PoE), Cub Central, and webcomics such as Sabrina Online.

Mon 6 Dec 2010 - 15:10

Disney Epic Mickey, courtesy WikimediaNintendo's Wii has been pretty good to furries who enjoy "Zelda-esque" 3-D platformers. The console shipped with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, featuring a lupine Link, followed shortly by the generally considered superior port of ?kami. The console's backwards compatibility also brought the ridiculously furry Star Fox Adventures to the table.

Now Disney Interactive's Epic Mickey is continuing the tradition. But does the game give as good as the above?

Mon 22 Nov 2010 - 12:55

According to the Associated Press, the World Wildlife Fund estimates no tigers will survive in the wild by 2022 – ironically, the next Chinese Zodiac year of the tiger.

The WWF estimates there are currently only approximately 3,200 tigers alive in the wild, compared to nearly 100,000 a century ago. Three tiger subspecies, the Bali, Javan, and Caspian, are already extinct.

The main reasons for the decline in wild tiger populations are poaching and habitat loss. The 2022 date is only for wild tigers; there are currently more tigers estimated to live in U.S. zoos than in their native, wild habitat.

Mon 8 Nov 2010 - 16:12

Red Fox, photo by CNNCNN photojournalist Giaco Riggs took a few pictures of a Red Fox in pursuit of squirrels on Capitol Hill last Friday.

"It just showed up and was hunting a squirrel," Riggs was quoted by CNN as saying. "When he showed up, all the other squirrels ran away. When the fox went away, all the squirrels came back."

Mon 15 Feb 2010 - 15:25

Bringing the total number of Pokémon from 493 to 495, two new Pokémon revealed late last week. Many furry fans enjoy the Pokémon franchise, but the revealed characters are of more than average interest to furry fans, as they would appear to be foxes, and one features a semi-anthropomorphic stance in some of the revealed artwork.

Zorua and Zoroark

The two Pokémon were originally revealed in Japenese magazine CoroCoro; however, the images were leaked a few days early. The two Pokémon revealed are Zorua and Zoroark, two Dark type Pokémon. Apparently, Zorua "evolves" into Zoroark; the magazine hinted that yet another new type of evolution would be introduced with these characters. Zoroark will make an appearance in the 13th official Pokémon movie; it is speculated as an antagonist, though for all the speculation it may be just a cameo.

Earlier this year, Nintendo revealed that the "fifth generation" Pokémon series will be released sometime this year. Historically, the Pokémon series has released first in Japan, and then gone through a lengthy localization process before coming to North America; it can be assumed that the very tentative release period would only extend to Japan. American gamers will probably have to wait until 2011.