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Forra — A World Like No Other

Edited by GreenReaper as of Fri 20 Dec 2013 - 14:28
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Antilia is described by its creators as “an MMORPG featuring a beautiful world, original races, unique gameplay, and an innovative storytelling system!” Brought about by Jeff Leigh and the crew at Right Brain Games, this new multi-player game is currently in the testing and programming  stage — and has a Kickstarter campaign up to get things brought to the next level. According to Jeff, “With Antilia, we are creating a unique and beautiful science-fiction/fantasy world, populated by distinctive anthropomorphic races. If you’ve heard of Antilia before, it’s because we have spent several years refining our process and building the game’s foundation. Antilia has had public alpha tests for the past two years as we developed, and are confident we can deliver a quality game.” Find out more by visiting Antilia’s web site, or by checking out the preview trailer up on YouTube.

image c. 2013 Right Brain Games


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To quote Furstarter, "Once in a great while, someone says, “I’d like to do something nice for the furries. Treasure those moments. They’re rare things, and Antilia is one of them."

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