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Of course he's not fessing up. That whole message stank of Jurran's trademark whining. I've never heard anyone who can lash out so blindly, while at the same time ranting about how persecuted he is. Face it, your site failed because you have no soical skills, a terrible reputation, and most of all, because you couldn't try to just run a good site, you had to have the -only- furry auction site. It's like all the kids who get pissed at a Wizard of FurryMuck, then run off to start their own Muck, shouting about how it's better in every way, and will take all of Furry's users away in time. The simple fact is that you can't take down an established and well-liked site like FurBid without offering something special, and frankly, you didn't. Your code may have been more advanced, but so what? FurBid worked fine, and continues to work fine regardless of the age of the person running it. Jurann, why don't you stop trying to rule the virtual world, and just take some time to enjoy it for a change? You're never going to be King of the Internet. Not even Mayor of FurryTown.

Oh, and before you type it, OF COURSE I'm posting this anonymously. The last thing I need is for you to add me to your enemies list and rant at me directly for the rest of my life...


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