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'Danger Mouse' moves from England to Northern Ireland

Edited by GreenReaper as of 12:50
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His animation studio, that is. The original Danger Mouse was produced by Cosgrove Hall Films in Manchester, England, U.K., for Thames Television from September 1981 to March 1992. The new Danger Mouse is being produced by Boulder Media in Belfast, Northern Ireland, U.K. from September 2015 to who knows? DM, Penfold, Baron Greenback and the whole gang are back. With some differences.

Baron Silas Greenback is now Baron Silas von Greenback, mit ein Cherman agzent. Professor Squawkencluck is now female, the niece of the original Professor. A new character is Jeopardy Mouse, an American equivalent of the British DM, and a female. Count Duckula, star of another Cosgrove Hall series of the 1980s, is a supporting character in the new DM.

Brian Cosgrove, one of the original creators, is present as a creative consultant. (Mark Hall, the other creator, died of cancer in 2011.) The new series appears on CBBC (Children’s BBC) in the U.K., but it will be coming to Netflix in the U.S.


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Good thing we're a united kingdom, or there could have been protests!

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