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Furry novella anthology 'Five Fortunes' to debut at Further Confusion 2014

Edited by GreenReaper as of 07:34
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Five Fortunes Fred Patten will have a new anthology, Five Fortunes, on sale at Further Confusion 2014. The 415-page tome, published by FurPlanet, presents five brand-new novellas by fan-favorite Furry authors, four of them featuring their popular characters or settings:

The wraparound cover is by Terrie Smith, illustrating Phil Geusz’s “Chosen People”.

Fred is the editor of several Furry short-fiction anthologies:

You can get Five Fortunes for $19.95 at the FurPlanet Productions table at Further Confusion 2014, January 16-20, in San Jose, California, or order it from the FurPlanet online store upon their return.


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Thanks again, Fred! It's been an honor to work with you!

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Sounds wonderful. Is it a soft-cover book?

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Oops, I forgot to mention this. Yes, it's a trade paperback.

Fred Patten

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What is the story of this cover illustration?

- Sheriff Bunny: It's on fire! Shoot it!
- Kids: Oh, hey. Looks like we're on fire again. This is mildly surprising and/or distasteful.
- Sheriff Bunny: You might ask why there's no smoke from the hellish blazing flames, why is the bus dragging a giant clanking chain, and why am I staring at the sky while my nose does a tangent with the stop sign. The answer is I don't know, but maybe I can shoot it better?

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It's a scene from Phil Geusz's "Chosen People". I think that Terrie Smith's only artistic liberty was to not show the scene as full of smoke and more fire, distorting heat waves, and falling ash -- they're described in the story -- or you couldn't see much else. What he's going to shoot in the fire, why there's a giant clanking chain, and why he is staring up are answered in the story.

Fred Patten

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Yeah I guess I could have read the story to find out what is the story of bunny hell bus on fire... I was bored in the car on the way to Fur Con. Well i'm here... maybe I can check out a copy in person

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I can always use more reviewers of my books.

Fred Patten

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Alas, you cannot, because UPS did not deliver it on Friday, and it was not marked for Saturday delivery. So, they did not make it to FC after all.

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Oh, poo! Sorry. I guess that those who want "Five Fortunes" will have to order it through FurPlanet's online catalogue. I think that the next convention that they will have a table at is Furry Fiesta in Dallas in February.

Fred Patten

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Good thing I live in Dallas!

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