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Prehistoric Pals with Pluck

Edited by GreenReaper as of Thu 30 May 2013 - 03:17
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Playing in theaters now (in front of several movies) is the trailer for Walking With Dinosaurs: The Movie, produced by BBC Earth (of course) and coming to theaters this December. Interestingly, the producers are taking a somewhat anthropomorphic angle for this 3D CGI film: It’s actually narrated by the dinosaurs themselves as they go about their daily lives. In this story, we meet a young frill-head dinosaur, who is something of a runt in his herd — but who will grow up to be a great leader who will guide them through a dangerous world. The film is directed by Barry Cook (Mulan, Arthur Christmas) and Neil Nightingale (Enchanted Kingdom). Check out the trailer at Animation Scoop.

image c. 2013 BBC Earth


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The original TV miniseries was awesome. Hope it works out for them!

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Visuals look great, but I wish they'd come up with a slightly more original story premise, based on what I can see from the trailer.

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