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Animation: 'Chicken Wings' and 'Flamingo Pride'

Edited by GreenReaper
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This week I accidentally stumbled across two animated shorts, both from the DailyMotion Talking Animals account. The first, Chicken Wings by Pauline Kortmann, is described like this:

Once upon a time, when the Wild West was still wild, a Cowgirl and a Werewolf travel the hostile land. As a chicken walks their way a fight about the appropriate use of it makes them forget the danger around, till it seems to be too late.

The second, Flamingo Pride, directed by Tomer Eshed, is "The story of the only heterosexual flamingo, in his desperate attempt to find love." It's not entirely safe for work.


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"Flamingo Pride" was announced here last October, but at that time the entire short was not available on the Internet. Thanks.

Fred Patten

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Actually, the "Flamingo Pride" that Talking Animals was showing last October had a completely different but equally hilarious ending! I wonder if it is on the Internet anywhere?

Fred Patten

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Hunh! I missed the older post - a different ending? What happens? Hey GreenReaper, Flayrah needs a <spoiler> tag! :)

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Ooops! My fault. They are the same. I just did not watch this link to "Flamingo Pride" past the beginning of the closing credits the first time.

Fred Patten

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this is hilarious and awesome. i wonder if that's what it feels like to be a straight guy in the furdom?

Heaven is not a place, it's being with people who love you.

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