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Further Confusion 2002 Update

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sun 16 May 2010 - 17:43
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Greetings from the Faculty and Staff of Further Confusion University
(aka FC2002)!
We have some announcements and updates for you.

Guest Additions:

We are pleased to announce two additional Guest Lecturers will be in

attendance this year:

David Feiten and

Keven Palivec.

Mr. Feiten has been an animator both with

Rhythm and Hues (where he

worked on, among other,

"Cats and Dogs" and

"Stuart Little") and at

Pixar (where he worked on

"Toy Story",

"A Bug's Life", and

"Toy Story II"). Mr. Feiten

was also one of the designers of the Country Bear Jamboree at


Mr. Palivec (or as he is known to many in the fandom,

"Malathar") is

an artist, best known for his depictions of dragons and other fantastic

creatures. His work has been used, among other places, on unit patches

for the US Department of Defense.

Residence Halls (aka Hotel):

Rooms ARE still available. We have received reports that some people

are being told when they call the 800 reservation number that our room

block is full, or that the hotel is sold out. This is not the case.

There appears to be a training problem with some of the agents handling

Marriott reservations. If you get this response, please try to get the

name and location of the call center agent you're speaking to, and then

hang up and call back later. Please send the agent information to our

Hotel Liason

([email protected]),

so that we can get this issue resolved with the hotel. In the meantime, we

apologize for the inconvenience.

Programming and Activities:

Planning is underway now for the 2002 edition of the Variety Show and

Masquerade. Keep your eye on the Events section of our website for all

the latest details.

Rumor has it that DJ Croc O'Dile will again be spinning the tunes for

one of our two big dance nights, and that the Purple Nurple Live! will

be returning with the usual mix of great music. Rumor also has it that

something a bit different is being planned for our Thursday night

kickoff. Keep your ears open for more information as it becomes


Travel and Recreation:

As previously mentioned, the San Mateo Marriott is offering rooms at

our con rate for both the week before and the week after the Con. Why

not take the opportunity to visit such renowned Bay Area attractions as


Exploratorium, the

Monterey Bay Aquarium, or the infamous


Links to these attractions and others can be found on our information

boards on the FC website.

And last, but not least...


Pre-registration for FC2002 is currently available at $35 for the

entire weekend. You can

register online, or you can

print out a registration form from our website

( and

send it in via US Mail. The deadline for pre-registration is December

31st, so act now!

We are again offering two additional membership levels--Sponsor and

Patron. In addition to being able to deduct the additional donation,

Sponsors and Patrons receive extra goodies at the con store (see the

website as we come up with said goodies). The additional donation will

be used by FC as follows:

  • Sponsors: If you join at the Sponsor level ($100), the additional money

    will into our travel assistance fund, to help bring the people listed

    on our

    Travel Assistance page to FC2002. You may either specify which

    person you wish to assist, or allow your donation to be allocated to

    the general travel fund, which is divided amongst all those requesting


  • Patrons: If you join at the Patron level ($200+), your donation will

    be placed into our Special Projects fund. Special Projects are things

    (such as the new Art Show Flats) that are above and beyond the normal

    operating costs of a particular year's convention, but are instead

    improvements that can be used for future years. Current candidates for

    this funding include improved signage and message boards, dedicated

    lighting for the Art Show, and dedicated computer equipment for


We look forward to seeing you at at FC2002, January 24th-27th, 2002.


FC2002 Staff

[email protected]


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rumor has it that there will be TWO dealer rooms this year. Is this true?

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Due to popular demand for tables, yes, there are two dealers' rooms.

Any further questions about the dealers' rooms, you would be best asking the Dealers' Room Manager



FC 2002 Executive Secratary


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