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Two new anthologies of Furry short fiction coming in June

Edited as of Sat 29 Mar 2014 - 01:00
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The Ursa Major Awards Anthology; A Tenth Anniversary CelebrationAlready Among Us; An Anthropomorphic AnthologyI was preparing this announcement, but GreenReaper has given away part of it on Newsbytes.

Fred Patten, who has been writing Furry book reviews since 1962, and who edited the first anthology of anthropomorphic short fiction, Best in Show, in 2003, has edited two new anthologies of anthropomorphic s-f & fantasy that will both premiere in June 2012.

  1. Already Among Us: An Anthropomorphic Anthology, will be published by Legion Publishing of Birmingham, AL on June 4. It will be available in a $18.95 hardcover and $9.99 trade paperback (x + 390 pages) [now $13.49], and $8.99 Kindle version, with a wraparound cover by Roz Gibson.
  2. The Ursa Major Awards Anthology: A Tenth Anniversary Celebration, will be published by FurPlanet Productions of Dallas, TX. It will go on sale at Anthrocon 2012 on June 14, as a $19.95 trade paperback, x + 380 pages, with a wraparound cover by Blotch.

Already Among Us contains fourteen stories featuring anthropomorphic characters written from 1942 to 2006, by Fredric Brown, Cleve Cartmill, John Christopher, William Morrison, Poul Anderson & Gordon R. Dickson, Reginald Bretnor, Martha Soukup, Michael H. Payne, Roland J. Green, Paul Di Filippo, Scott Bradfield, Susan Palwick, Mickey Zucker Reichert, and Harding Young.

The Ursa Major Awards Anthology contains twelve stories that have won or been finalists for the Award in the Best Anthropomorphic Short Fiction category from 2001 to 2010. Each story includes its original illustrations. Authors include Brock Hoagland, Michael H. Payne, M. C. A. Hogarth, Chas. P. A. Melville, Kristin Fontaine, Kyell Gold, Jim Hayden, Samuel C. Conway, Paul Di Filippo, and Naomi Kritzer.

Both books will be on sale at Anthrocon 2012 in Pittsburgh, on June 14-16. They will also be available at a book signing with the editor, on Saturday, June 30, at the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, 6012 Tyrone Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91401, from 1–4 p.m. Since this is a signing by the editor and not a bookstore, there will not be provisions for credit-card sales; only cash can be accepted.


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Hey, can't blame me for being on the ball! Besides, if people want to get in on that sale, they'll have to buy quickly . . .

Blotch has made a good case to be in next year's Ursa Major Awards with this cover.

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There is nothing wrong with Roz Gibson's cover, either.

Fred Patten

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Personally, I wouldn't mind if people took the newsbytes articles and fleshed them out more. I often forget about them o.o;

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It happens more than you think.

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About the author

Fred Pattenread storiescontact (login required)

a retired former librarian from North Hollywood, California, interested in general anthropomorphics