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'Mongrels' wins RTS Craft and Design Award

Edited as of Fri 26 Nov 2010 - 06:30
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'Mongrels' charactersBBC Three puppet-based animal sitcom Mongrels has won the Royal Television Society (RTS) Craft and Design Award for "Production Design – Entertainment and Non-Drama".

Production designer Simon Rogers and his team took the award, defeating popular Channel 4 sitcom The IT Crowd and BBC children's comedy series Hounded.

However, Mongrels lost the award for "Tape and Film Editing – Entertainment and Situation Comedy" to Channel 4 sitcom Pete Versus Life.

Mongrels is a sitcom covering the lives of five animals who hang around the bin yard of a pub on the Isle of Dogs, London, which include two foxes (one metrosexual, one psychopathic and foul-mouthed), an it-bitch Afghan hound, a "borderline retarded" cat and an aggressive pigeon.

A second series of Mongrels has been commissioned.


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