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Softpaw publishers close after five year run

Edited as of Tue 14 Jan 2014 - 15:38
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Dream Field Comics logo

Dream Field Comics, creators of Softpaw Magazine, spin-off Finding Avalon, and Ulster, have closed. The publisher was notorious for their popular pornographic magazines depicting young furry characters.

Softpaw's US$20-$25 issues consisted of 64-96 full-colour glossy pages containing a mixture of comics, pin-ups and stories.

Their work was barred from sale at Eurofurence and Further Confusion, but subsequently nominated for the 2008 Ursa Majors – only to be banned the next year.

At press time, most Dream Field titles were in stock at Rabbit Valley.

Update (19 Jun): Dream Field co-founder Jery Softpaw provided an explanation for closing:

A few people have asked for more details about Softpaw/Dream Field closing, and perhaps the public announcement didn't explain things fully. I don't have the time or money to keep doing it. It's pretty much that simple! I'm just one person helping artists where I can. But my situation has changed and I can't devote those resources to Dream Field or Softpaw any more.

For 5 years we all worked hard to produce that huge series. Just like any serial magazine, there was no "finish" planned. If we published another dozen it'd still end at some point in the same way. But the good news is none of the stories need to end there.

It's up to the artists to get them published on their own now. None of them rely on me to publish! Some are working on continuing their stories, to release in hardcopy or digital. is the best way I can continue to help all furry artists publish and sell, and it doesn't take the same personal financial resources that our comics did.

Thanks everyone for your support. We never expected so much acceptance, popularity and help. I hope you continue to show the same support to your favorite artists and encourage them to create comics and publish their work!

Editor's note: Comments to this article are now closed due to the increasing ratio of noise to content.


Your rating: None Average: 1.5 (2 votes)

since your one sides and have many people telling u your wrong give up itll save ya from a mental world a hurt.

Your rating: None Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

I'm in no pain, and I'm hardly alone in my position.

Your rating: None Average: 5 (3 votes)

Well, methinks doth protest too much.

Maybe you're compensating for something, I don't know. But I am all for criminalizing things that cause harm to actual people or property. You've not named a name. You've not shown any evidence tying pornography of fake children to actual child molestation (btw, Japan has legal loli, and they have an incident rate of child molestation that is nearly five times smaller than the US, so maybe, just maybe, there's something wrong with being an American, not something wrong with the drawings.) You've not pointed to a single example in Furry, you've not pointed to a single example OUT of furry. You cannot name names. You cannot provide evidence. All you can provide is what you "feel" and "know to be true."

That's the same kind of logic that was used in a now proven to be faulty war in Iraq. That's the same kind of logic that people who don't have a leg to stand on use. You're really using Colbert's "truthiness" as a defense of your position? When I've pointed out that MORE pedophiles DON'T like cub art in Furry than do? When I've named Frank Gembeck, and Blazger, and TORA, and others?

Chuck, your position is a house of cards built on irrational feelings and , might I say, stupid fears. How are we to contend with the straw men "boogeymen" you create (but cannot name, or point out)?

I've said many times, I respect your position. But you need to bring EVIDENCE. You need to SHOW IT IS TRUE. You cannot just make blanket statements without providing SOME evidence that your statements are valid.

I'm going to appeal to GR to shut this thread down, because so far, it's like talking to a brick wall. We ask for evidence, you give us anecdote and feeling. That's nice, but it's STUPID. I'm tired of people deciding that they "know" something without ever providing any evidence for it. I'm tired of people telling me how to live because of their faulty positions.

You cannot hold a factual position without evidence.

You have given us no evidence.

Your rating: None Average: 2.8 (5 votes)

Toldja he couldn't tell the difference between fiction and reality!

Smile! The world could use another happy person.

Your rating: None Average: 2.3 (3 votes)

Snark! When nothing worthwhile will do better.

(Oops! Now you've got me doing it...)

Your rating: None Average: 3 (4 votes)

no u have been doing it from the beginning, now we just made you choose to start throwing the baww tactic all over here due to not liking what others liked and yes you have that choice but not the choice to say you shouldn't like it its wrong, until you can really prove it, shut up get off the internet before you hurt yourself and pick up a book or something watch TV ,something other than spread your idiocy to people who don't need it which i think is everyone btw

Your rating: None Average: 1.7 (3 votes)

u really are illogical try using one quote that even speaks remotely good english and not using the formed language of this - I ain't never heard(isnt even proper grammar)-i have never heard(proper english and grammar for sentence structure try again please.

Your rating: None Average: 3 (3 votes)

Are you serious? You don't change the grammar of the spoken quote -- it loses it's authenticity that way. The man who spoke it -- or at least the man reputed to have spoken it -- was a self-educated man of the mid-18th century, and in the musical was portrayed as a man of common upbringings. In short, that was the way he talked. And that was the way the quote was written in the play.

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that really is irrelevent btw.

Your rating: None Average: 2.3 (3 votes)

Pardon my shrug, but you brought it up.

Your rating: None Average: 2.3 (3 votes)

anything that u can use whether advantageous or disadvantageous is irrelevant, u cannot use lies or disjointed figures of speech for reference.

Your rating: None Average: 2 (3 votes)

Not an ounce of inaccuracy in my statements.

Your rating: None Average: 1.5 (2 votes)

same. maybe someone could use my forum for this, any takers.

About the author

GreenReaper (Laurence Parry)read storiescontact (login required)

a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers

Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.