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The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. Newsletter

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The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. Newsletter
June 2004 ">

  • New Release - Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb for Mac OS X
  • Expanded Line of T-Shirts at the Company's Cafepress Shop
  • Coming soon - Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb for Linux

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb for Mac OS X

The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. announces the release of Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb for Mac OS X. This classic adventure game tells the tale of Rif the Fox and his attempt to prove his innocence in the theft of the Orb of Storms, a relic of the ancient Humans. The player guides Rif and his companions/guards Okk the Boar and Eeah the Elk in discovering clues, overcoming challenges, and exploring a land of intelligent, humanoid animals.

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb is currently available for purchase on CD-ROM for either Mac OS X or Windows directly from the publisher at A demo introduction to the game can be downloaded from the same site.

Expanded Line of T-Shirts at the Company's Cafepress Shop

We have extended the selection of artwork available on T-shirts from our Cafepress shop. In addition to T-shirts with color portraits of Rif the Fox and his companion Rhene, we now have T-shirts sporting illustrations from the Inherit the Earth Adventurers Guide including Eeah the Elk, Okk the Boar, and Shiala the Wolf. Check out the items at

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb for Linux

At this time we are also announcing that a version of Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb for Linux is currently in development. We expect this version to be available sometime in the third quarter of this year.


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Coming soon - Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb for Linux

Congratulations, Wyrmkeep! You have now made a customer out of me.

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