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Indian girl weds dog

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NEW DELHI, India (Reuters) - A nine-year-old Indian girl has been married to a dog amid religious chants after a priest told her parents the wedding would ward off evil, a government official says.
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I totally want to see the consumation of that wedding.

.... Once she's a little older. n_n;;

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Makes two of us!

Tlaren }:=8}

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Does she have to be older? :)

Damn, I love India.


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I AM joking... interesting as that would be...


Tlaren }:=8}

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Excuse me? She's only nine for christsake!

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just gonna go out on a limb here and assume the person was joking.

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I don't see why this is such big news. The kid's only nine. It's obviously just another case of puppy love... =:3

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Having this as news on a furry news site looks bad.

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Any idiot who would think this is evidence that furries are bestialists* are the same idiots who would say that in the first place. They also probably wouldn't come to this site anyway.

*Don't mean any offense to any furries who happen to be bestialists.

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