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Children Uncover Porn In Barney Book

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BERGENFIELD, New Jersey (AP) -- Two youngsters who wanted to sing along with Barney the Dinosaur opened a music book and discovered a photograph of a man and woman in a naked embrace.

The photo, which ran under the words "Wilder Sex," was in a "Sing-Along Songs Barney" book a couple bought for their 4- and 7-year-old children.

Rosemarie Arnold, an attorney for the unidentified family, said the photo came from a review of pornographic movies published in a German-language magazine.

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From Aureth: I guess it's true...Barney really is evil....


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"Best Barney the Dinosaur book Ever!" ;)

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So Barney teaches Sex Ed now. Woo!

"We use them for divine retribution."

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I see you.
You see me.
Let's go start a family...

Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!

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