I was recently asked to read and write reviews of two furry anthologies — The Ursa Major Awards Anthology, edited by Fred Patten, and Roar #4, edited by Buck C. Turner.
I’ll have to preface this with I probably wasn’t the best person to ask to do this – I virtually never read anthologies, and I don’t particularly like short stories. But seeing as I seem to be one of the few people out there who still reads and can put together a semi-coherent review, this makes me one of the go-to people for opinions about furry comics or writing.
Compare: The Ursa Major Awards Anthology as reviewed by Watts Martin, and by dronon.
Since a number of the stories in the Ursa Major Awards Anthology are part of longer series, Editor Fred Patten helpfully writes synopsis of each story’s background, which helps immeasurably if you’re not familiar with particular story world. I’ve actually read several of these stories when they originally appeared, including the first two: