Shandower's stories

Tue 30 Jul 2002 - 20:10

This is the announcement I just sent to the Conifur Artshow announcement list regarding the recent questions about our hotel and such.

If you are interested in participating in our art show, please send an email to [email protected] to request a packet. Don't forget your legal name and mailing address!

Mon 5 Nov 2001 - 07:09

Conifur is over, and so is the artshow. Now I can return to my peaceful existance of eating Zagnut bars from the comfort of my futon. All mail-in art has been shipped, checks have been cut, and everything's wrapped up for next year.

Final Statistics for the 2001 Conifur Artshow are now available, and here they are!

Total Participating Artists: 42 (No, really. I swear.)

Total Participating Bidders: 128

Total number of Items in the show: 410

Number of Items that went to auction: 44

Total Pre-tax sales: $11,904

Wed 10 Oct 2001 - 11:10

Conifur's Artshow may be sold out, but there's still a way to get panels!

Several artist- and editor-types have confided to me that they may not be able to fill the panels that they have reserved in the show this year. That means more panels for eveybody else!

The waiting list works on a first-come first-serve basis, and as soon as an artist is done hanging, any unused panels will be immediately available! I am currently estimating between five to ten panels will open up this way, and I'd hate to have blank panels, you know!

Even mail-in artists can get onto the list! Just email me at [email protected] for information!

Fri 5 Oct 2001 - 07:52

The Conifur Northwest artshow has reached maximum capacity!

Artist registration was closed last week due to an overwhelming response, and after some compilation of figures, it turns out we're sold out of panels! If you would like to participate and haven't already registered, then you can still get on the standby list for abandoned panels. Just email me at [email protected] and let me know.

Fri 15 Jun 2001 - 06:32

The ConiFur NorthWest Art Show participant packets are ready to be mailed out next week. If you plan to have items for sale or show, drop a line (with your address) to the artshow director at [email protected].

There is also an announcement-only email list for updated news and information about this year's artshow. Contact me at the same address to subscribe.