Neowolf's stories

Sat 29 Dec 2001 - 13:14

As reported in the Washington Post, a man is wanted in Poolesville, Maryland (a town northwest of Washington, D.C.) for abandoning a 10 week old kitten in traffic. The kitten is doing well after being rescued from a sewer into which it fled. A $250 reward has been offered for information leading to an arrest, which could earn the perp a $5000 fine and up to three years in jail.

Mon 26 Nov 2001 - 08:23

As reported on Slashdot and The Age, thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) DNA has been extracted from century-old bones. This is another step in the controversial project to bring this species back from extinction.

Thu 28 Jun 2001 - 07:38

The NY Times reports an entrepreneur in upstate New York wants to engineer a cat without the protein that causes allergic reactions in 60 to 90 percent of sensitive people. He plans to sell sterilized animals for up to $1000. (Free registration required to access that site.)

Mon 22 Jan 2001 - 14:09

The New York Times

that Norway plans to kill most of the two dozen wolves
currently living in that country. The wolves have wandered over
from Sweden where they are being reintroduced.
(Free registration required to read the story.)