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Rabbit Valley Temporary Discontinuation of Prints

Edited by earthfurst as of Sun 23 Nov 2014 - 20:02
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The prints and portfolios pages on Rabbit Valley's website will be going dark on August 31st, but they'll be back. More info below.Rabbit Valley is implementing a new way to pay the artists who sell their work on the Rabbit Valley website. However, because there are so many prints, it will take some time to update the site.

Therefore, we're taking all of the prints and portfolios (printed by Rabbit Valley) down on August 31st and gradually putting them back up. If you want to make sure you're going to get your artwork, order soon!

Rabbit Valley is also running a promo until the end of August. Orders over $100 receive free UPS Ground shipping in the US and Canada or free surface mail elsewhere in the world.


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