I tend to follow 'Furry Fandom's ocasional tantrums with the media out of morbid compulsion and curiosity. Similar to those times when I want to eat at Burger King.
And... Well... God, anyone who couldnt see this comming was blind!
You know, theres been this whole Hacker Cracker thing long before 'Furry' going on with the media. And the media certanly havent changed their mind on the percived meaning of the word 'Hacker'. You know, theres a time to call things quits...
'Furry Fandom' has about as much chance of disasosiating its self from Sex at the moment as RMS has of getting everyone to call it GNU/Furry Fandom.
I tend to follow 'Furry Fandom's ocasional tantrums with the media out of morbid compulsion and curiosity. Similar to those times when I want to eat at Burger King.
And... Well... God, anyone who couldnt see this comming was blind!
You know, theres been this whole Hacker Cracker thing long before 'Furry' going on with the media. And the media certanly havent changed their mind on the percived meaning of the word 'Hacker'. You know, theres a time to call things quits...
'Furry Fandom' has about as much chance of disasosiating its self from Sex at the moment as RMS has of getting everyone to call it GNU/Furry Fandom.