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*BWA hahahahahaha* OK. Dan has a LOT more of my respect now. I wasn't expecting anything, really, other than incindiary flaming, so I was pleasently suprised to read:

"Someone who gets rock-hard or dripping wet when dressed up like a fox or a raccoon or a chipmunk makes a rough sort of sense. But someone who fantasizes about being an animal or hanging out with people who do without the excuse/cover of a sexual fetish or compulsion? I'm sorry, but that's just sick."

Mind you I do believe there is a legitimacy, of course, to spiritual/mental identification with furries and/or animals apart from a sexual kink or "compulsion..." but for once it's just incredibly gratifying, albeit completely unexpected, to have a non-fur say that it's the furs who AREN'T interested in sex who are odd. To paraphrase it gently.

Muahahaha... you go, Dan.

I'm probably gonna get in trouble for this comment but I don't care. ;D


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