Well, I don't know how to describe it "in general": it's a place where you can get together with several thousand people who don't immediately label you a freak just because you're alive.
There are huge gatherings and small special interest panel discussions; loud dances and quiet sketching sessions; long lines for registration and for elevators; fursuits everywhere...
What do you want to know specifically?
If you're asking whether some areas of some cities are risky, of course. There are some neighborhoods in Portland where you can set your clock by the sound of gunfire.
If you're asking whether some areas of the convention or hotel are risky, I'd say no. Some room parties may not let anonymous strangers in, but that's about it.
Hi there.
Well, I don't know how to describe it "in general": it's a place where you can get together with several thousand people who don't immediately label you a freak just because you're alive.
There are huge gatherings and small special interest panel discussions; loud dances and quiet sketching sessions; long lines for registration and for elevators; fursuits everywhere...
What do you want to know specifically?
If you're asking whether some areas of some cities are risky, of course. There are some neighborhoods in Portland where you can set your clock by the sound of gunfire.
If you're asking whether some areas of the convention or hotel are risky, I'd say no. Some room parties may not let anonymous strangers in, but that's about it.