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A friend of mine commented on how the con seemed far less friendly and intimate than he was used to in a furry con.
His comment was directed at the people attending- and I noticed a LOT of people I have never seen before- who appear to have all been first timers.
I find myself wondering if many of the problems with rude/hostile fans were because of attendees who had just found out about furries, and were curious and went to basically "stare at the freaks", as opposed to being genuinely interested in furry fandom?
I did not really notice the situation myself until he mentioned it- But I do remember some incidents of rude behavior that did not seem like what I would expect from furries.
Anyone else notice this problem?
(There have been cases of things like this in the past- at isolated furry cons that took place just after furries had been in a media spotlight.)

That said, I did enjoy anthrocon myself- and I wish I could afford to go this year!

Iron Badger


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