The AI voice thing may have scared off anyone not scared off by, the, you know, game, but I am still playing it, and they updated today.
-New character is a tattooed Red Panda, Kudo. Kind of implied may be Cupcake's ex-husband (or maybe just she doesn't like him because he reminds of him of her ex-husband). So deeply in debt, sure, Russian Roulette sounds about right seems to be his thing. (Not that characterization's super important for this game, or consistent. Foxy's "Table Story" implies she's sad and lovelorn, but her AI voice clips imply she's probably the most sadistic character.) A lizard is the only so far revealed character not yet available.
-Speaking of Foxy, she got a new dress. More lacy and even gothy-er. Also, one of her stockings is now stylishly torn.
-New card mode, Chaos mode, which lets you actually shoot at other players. Not sure I actually like it much.
-New "stage", dubbed the "Arcade" bar (the original bar is now the "Underground" bar). Features a crane(?) bartender plus our first female background characters, including a giraffe and a zebra.
-I actually played my first game of Liar's Dice; on one hand, it was a lobby of three players, so maybe my shitty laptop could take that. On the other hand, the update does specifically say they fixed some issues in Dice, so maybe I can actually play that now. Hey, I actually did win my first ever game of that.
-Actually probably the most important update; hosts can leave a lobby without kicking the other players. That was an issue. I've literally hesitated to call a host because I was afraid to kill them and make them leave (to be fair, I've had some really amazing hosts who took a bullet round one and let the game play).
The AI voice thing may have scared off anyone not scared off by, the, you know, game, but I am still playing it, and they updated today.
-New character is a tattooed Red Panda, Kudo. Kind of implied may be Cupcake's ex-husband (or maybe just she doesn't like him because he reminds of him of her ex-husband). So deeply in debt, sure, Russian Roulette sounds about right seems to be his thing. (Not that characterization's super important for this game, or consistent. Foxy's "Table Story" implies she's sad and lovelorn, but her AI voice clips imply she's probably the most sadistic character.) A lizard is the only so far revealed character not yet available.
-Speaking of Foxy, she got a new dress. More lacy and even gothy-er. Also, one of her stockings is now stylishly torn.
-New card mode, Chaos mode, which lets you actually shoot at other players. Not sure I actually like it much.
-New "stage", dubbed the "Arcade" bar (the original bar is now the "Underground" bar). Features a crane(?) bartender plus our first female background characters, including a giraffe and a zebra.
-I actually played my first game of Liar's Dice; on one hand, it was a lobby of three players, so maybe my shitty laptop could take that. On the other hand, the update does specifically say they fixed some issues in Dice, so maybe I can actually play that now. Hey, I actually did win my first ever game of that.
-Actually probably the most important update; hosts can leave a lobby without kicking the other players. That was an issue. I've literally hesitated to call a host because I was afraid to kill them and make them leave (to be fair, I've had some really amazing hosts who took a bullet round one and let the game play).