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The Hunger Games are sometimes accused of ripping it off, but I think the general consensus is that it's a case of two people coming to the same idea independently (I mean, it's kind of an obvious idea), or in worst case scenario, even if Battle Royale was the inspiration, in execution they were hardly the same. Actually, I think you could make a much better case that Fortnite was much more a direct rip-off of PUBG.

Similarly, I hadn't heard of the Buckshot Roulette game; I wonder if Sonious isn't right and its a similar case. Fortnite was originally a cooperative "horde rush" game that basically got swallowed up by the Battle Royale mode added pretty late in original development, which even it's biggest fans acknowledge is basically just a rip off of PUBG, and not even necessarily a better one; if anything, part of Fortnite's appeal and what made and makes it still so popular is its quirky and inviting sense of aesthetics. Likewise, the "trailer" (if you can call it that) for Liar's Bar actually features the "dice and poison" game mode rather than the "cards and revolvers" mode which is much more popular; I wonder which actually came first (and just from the glance at the Buckshot Roulette, I'd say Liar's Bar has the more appealing aesthetic, though I would say that, being a furry and all).


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