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Yeah, obviously Smith was acting in isolation. There was certainly no influence from the furry fandom's long history of racial prejudice – so far as being more white-dominated than the anime fandom per FurScience stats, and there's definitely no way he was emboldened by the various types of racist sentiments commonly expressed in the fandom (once again per FurScience, seen in various testimonials in their 2023 book). But no, it's all the TV's fault, and people like Eliaxy who "did research" but were still unable to find out about one of the most significant tragedies in furry history definitely aren't just adhering to confirmation bias.

And this is just an instance of the average furry escalating their virulent hatred to a physical level. If I were to touch on even a thousandth of a percent of the psychological harms folks like you have committed, it'd make War And Peace look like a brief afternoon read.

In about five years' time, you people will be taught in every sociology class as a case study of pinkwashing.


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