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'Neer -- "I keep flip flopping on the issue, but as an artist... I'm not going to start picking and choosing what people can draw."

Myr -- "I just said leave the cub stuff and let's move on."

'Neer -- "I hate to keep calling votes, but: Leave it, filter it, it's not illegal..."

Damaratus -- "I highly approve of the idea of simply getting a proper working filter and allowing it. If it becomes illegal, then we remove it."

Marthaen -- "I vote no. Remove it."

'Neer -- "So, we ban cub art... but what do we do when the next riot squad demands we remove the next thing they do not like?"

Pinkuh -- "No matter which decision is made, half of the users will hate us and half of them won't. It doesn't matter anymore."

Pinkuh -- "think of it this way... all those artist's threatening to leave? They all have Ego's this is the only place where they will be able to post their adult work."

Pinkuh -- "The amount of "Cub" artwork posted on this website is so miniscule that it shouldn't have generated as much Drama as it did"

Pinkuh -- "Regardless on if we like one form of artwork or another we should allow it. It is not our place to deside what is "Suitable" for an art website unless it deals with REAL legal issues."



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