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I don't know anything about the guy but I'm glad to stand up for him on his behalf considering that folks still have the nerve to sh** on him even after he died because he didn't want to host risky content on HIS website.



Behold, excerpts from a leaked conversation among 'Neer and his F.A. mod staff:

Pinkuh – ""I don't draw it, I don't like it, and I tend to not view it unless I have to, however, I am ~NOT~ going to limit our users' Freedom of Artistic Expression. Because when it comes to censorship, nobody can draw the line.""

'Neer – ""I hate the crap immensely myself."" (Bro, you had artwork in Softpaw Magazine, don't cap / lie like that).

'Neer – """"We have chaos because a lot of people hate something that IS NOT ILLEGAL… and a lot of people want us to block that. But, likewise, we have a lot of people who believe it should stay."""

'Neer – """Well, we have two choices, both suck. (1) We ban the art, make a lot of people happy, but also make just as many people pissed off. We show weakness and that people in angry loud mobs can make us change and make rules around their beliefs (aka, the Y! effect). We ban something that is not even illegal, and let the prudes win…."""

'Neer – """(2) We allow the art to stay, in name of artistic freedom – as we choose not to be the judges of what people draw, nor quality. We tell people that it's not our job and for them to police themselves, and we will offer working filters (aka Blacklist / Tagging) to those who disagree with the content and make extended effort to get the filters working."""

Pinkuh – """Technically… Furry artwork as a whole is illegal. If someone really wanted to press it they could play the "Drawing animals, even ones with Human / Bipedal characteristics means they like real animals and want to fuck them."

'Neer – """We have enough proof via U.S. legal documentation to prove that it is (A) not p****philia and (B) not illegal… I am really torn on the issue. I hate cub crap, but I'd rather not ban something that is not actually illegal."""

Damaratus – """Proper working filters will solve the problem."""

'Neer – """And we have ~no~ filters right now."""

Myr – """The new system will have filters, but when will they be coded and when will it be done? Jeeze, it was supposed to be ready MONTHS ago. We're in November already."""

Marthaen – """Filters only work if the user puts the proper tags on it in the first place…. I'll enforce any policy laid down, whether I like it or not… But I'd prefer to ban cub if possible."""



'Neer -- In the near future we will implement a series of filters to allow people to block and exclude art of all content types, giving them better control of how they use the Fur Affinity service. A great many people voiced that they felt for and against the art, but would be able to COPE with it, given a proper FILTRATION SYSTEM (Tags & Blacklist) was implemented on the site. We feel that this is the best method possible. Put the control and power in the hands of users for them to choose their own path.

We understand that many of you may not agree with this decision, but we felt that it was in the best interest of the site not to act as moral judges, not to choose for users what is ethically right or wrong. Why should cub art be the ultimate evil, when artistic depictions of rape, murder and drug use, all of which are quite illegal in the real world, are posted with no complaint? When do morals begin and end? Why does one moral high road state that cub art is the end all, be all of evil yet art depicting rape does not get the same brunt of the hate?



'Neer -- "At what point does the responsibility become ours or that individual's? We cannot be held responsible for the actions of people who have pre-existing mental issues."

GREAT quote, GREAT position!

Blaming art for the actions of delusional psychopaths is like blaming GTA for sk00l sh00tings, or blaming Breaking Bad for drug use. Or blaming Rap Music for Gangs, or blaming Rock and Roll for Satanism. Or blaming DND or MTG or Pokemon for – whatever the fuck some dipshit religious nut thought they made people do…

A person reads a furry comic and they go out and they S.A. their friends, their family members, their pets… is it the furry comic's fault that the person did that crap? No, I don't think the comic is to blame. The person was already mentally deranged to begin with. They didn't need the furry comic's ~HELP~ to be a scumbag…

I think that was the message Dragoneer was trying to get across. That you can't blame ART for the actions of CRAZY PEOPLE… and the day we ~do~ lay the blame solely on ART, and not the people actually doing the CRIMES…. we're gunna have to strip and sanitize EVERYTHING, all because SOME MORON might try to imitate it….

In Dragoneer's position, I would have banned the people causing drama over drawings – NOT ban the ARTWORK, and then later on DOUBLE DOWN on it by banning Short Pokemon under the idiotic belief that a drawing of a Riolu is 100% equal to Sea Pea….

((((granted of course, that probably wasn't even 'Neer's decision, but the decision of some spazzy Twitter / Tumblr Twat that he hired on as a Mod.))))


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