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I don't know anything about the guy but I'm glad to stand up for him on his behalf considering that folks still have the nerve to sh** on him even after he died because he didn't want to host risky content on HIS website. Countries across the world are cracking down on that kind of art now, regardless of if that is a good thing or not. He saw the writing on the wall. He was smart to steer clear of that kind of controversy considering the political climate that artists are having to deal with these days.

The best thing furries can do now in the middle of this world anti-intellectual anti-art hysteria is just act "wholesome" until the madness dies down. We're being targeted by right wing governments across the world now thanks to the likes of alt-right morons going around calling us groomers. It's all bullshit, but we have to live to tell the tale of this oppression. Dragoneer didn't oppress anyone...he didn't want to get in trouble, and there's nothing AT ALL wrong with that in my view.


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