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Shi wa naze... otozureru?
Doko ka de... fureta kotoba
Kasaneru... kotae ga
Itazura... ni furasu ame

Kimi yo -- sayonara
Furikaeranai... hitomi
Omoi... kogareta
Seseragu toki
Mimi wo -- sumasu

Kanaerarenai yume ni
Owari wo kakushiteta kara
Kono hi ga -- subarashiki hi de arimasu you ni
Kimi sae ga...


Why does death come?
Hearing that saying before somewhere
The same answer rains down mischievously
Goodbye to you
The eyes won't look back
To have loved passionately
Listening closely to hear the murmur

I was hiding the end in the dream unconquered
Hoping that this day will be a wonderful day
If you would just...


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