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After spending several years as an admin on a smaller site, I also recognize that it's possible that many of his decisions were forced. A leader sometimes has to make changes due to outside pressure or because the leadership structure is united in a certain view even if it doesn't fit one's own view.

When e621 passed its New Policies, I and many others in The Announcement Thread put the blame and suspicion squarely on the E6 staffers. My personal line of thinking was that there are people among E6's staff hierarchy who outright despise Cub / L0li / Sh0ta and want it all gotten rid of.

But maybe they really weren't lying and the choice was forced by outside circumstances...

Dragoneer's own personal feelings going back to 2006 was very Pro Artwork, many of the e6 staff are also Pro Artwork... but when a payment processor is breathing fire down your neck, I guess it's either conform too what your Masters want or lose funding / hosting... I'm just an outsider, I don't know what goes on behind the scenes in terms of managing a massive furry art website like E6, FA, or IB... if the choice was forced on them, then I guess I can't hate as much I want to... since they were "just following orders."

I can say "But if I ran the website, I'd tell those grouchy anti freedom of art assholes to kiss my ass" but I don't, I don't run it -- and likely in the face of having to choose between conceding to power or total destruction, I guess I would probably choose concession, even though I would absolutely ~HATE IT~ and feel like I "sold out."

I'd like to think that if I was in that same position, I would fight harder for what I believe -- but maybe it's more complicated... FA is more than just an Art Gallery, it's a Time Capsule, and to simply set fire to a Time Capsule just because I didn't get my way would seem incredibly selfish and petty...

Personal Feelings and "keeping the platform afloat" aren't always compatible.



"At what point does the responsibility become OURS and not that individual's? We cannot be held responsible for the actions of people who have pre-existing mental issues..."

That is a sentiment I agree with strongly... Artists shouldn't be treated like criminals because they "drew or wrote something Problematic." It's as goofy as blaming the Beatles for Charles Manson, it's as goofy as blaming DOOM or Marilyn Manson for Columbine. What should we do? Plug up every outlet in every person's house because a baby might stick a fork in an open electrical socket?

“Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it.”~~ Mark Twain


"The Law is a huge blunt weapon that does not and will not make distinctions between what you find acceptable and what you don't..... If there is something you consider indefensible, and there is something you consider defensible, and the same laws can take them both out, you are going to find yourself defending the indefensible." ~~Neil Gaiman


Even Bsky is changing to become a lot more Pro Censorship, I hate it.



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