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Rakuen listed three keywords that have nothing to do with "cub", so it actually doesn't strike me at all "that ONE SPECIFIC particular type of content" is behind a wall because just one isn't. Like, the top article on Flayrah can't be just a video like I originally meant it to be because YouTube age restricts it for one of the exact same things Rakuen listed, gore, so that is not a weird thing only e621 does.

I'm sorry you got banned from e621 and can't find Tails porn there anymore, major tragedy, but, once again, if you posted there like you post here, you deserved to be banned, Flayrah is just really, really not into banning people, and oh, wait, you literally linked to yourself being the same weird asshole over there and are the only guy in that thread banned. Furthermore, if you can't fucking find Tails porn somewhere, anywhere, else on the Internet, you just fucking suck at the Internet, dude. So, why don't you go search for it, instead of replying three times to this single post (seriously, why is it always three with you?), and give us a break?


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