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"In a civilized society it is perfectly appropriate for law enforcement to keep tabs on such people at an absolute minimum, even if they haven't gotten caught doing the crime yet."

Yah know... you remind me of that episode of Darkwing Duck when Future Darkwing goes absolutely ape-shit and becomes hyper-vigilant and starts trying to arrest people before they even do anything....

Or a very similar episode of the Justice League cartoon where Batman goes absolutely ape-shit and -- wants to arrest people before they've even done anything....

Hmm, isn't there a word for this concept of "preventative arresting?"

Oh yeah, I remember it now -- THOUGHT CRIME.

I bet you and your 4chan / Kiwi Farms buddies feel good that you ended the life of Near / Byuu over some "lolcow" crap and an old ass article they wrote back in 2010. Yes, you Kiwi Kreeps and 4chan Freaks are such AWESOME HEROES getting that DANGEROUS INDIVIDUAL known as Near / Byuu to "an hero" themself... CONGRATULATIONS, HERO! (/sarcasm)

: P

While we're at it, let's give everyone on Earth the "Ludovico Treatment" from that movie A Clockwork Orange.

That sound like the kinda world you want, Anon?


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