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It never takes long for the pedos to come out of the woodwork, does it?

"It's just a cartoon, bro!" "U mad, bro?" "So what if I tickle the pickle to pictures of a character who's drawn to look like a six-year-old girl? It's just a picture, bro. It's not real."

The Venn diagram of pedophiles and "cub"/"lolifur" fetishists is concentric circles. In a civilized society it is perfectly appropriate for law enforcement to keep tabs on such people at an absolute minimum, even if they haven't gotten caught touching kids yet. That's the sort of very basic thing that's implicit in any social contract. Public safety outweighs the convenience of a tiny number of people who want to fuck children. What, you have to go to imageboards to get your cub fap material fix instead of having it all in one central location at e6? Clearly this is exactly the same as the Holocaust. EXACTLY. THE. SAME. And it merits all the same responses. Clearly. Amirite guise? Amirite?

"But how does normalizing pedophilia affect you PERSONALLY?"


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