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linking your own comment means nothing, itd be the same as saying "source is trust me bro" at the bottom of your text. They could be locking your thread for any number of reasons and you wouldnt know

But I agree and only because I've seen it firsthand. Rainbow Dash was making ugly comments on carpetwurm behind discord and didn't do anything when he was being harassed before banning him because of a slip-up, whenever some folk gets a warning or a ban it's always the same admin if not the same 2 admins giving them, always. Also last but surely not least theyre politically biased, the lead admin would sooner delete transphobic posts than delete posts that directly calls for violence on others or even allow these to be tagged explicitly and directly for blacklisting. Not that one excuses the other.

Bad dragon is corrupt too, attacking competitors because they wanna be the monopoly. They better lose the llawsuit and get hit by a slapp suit in return


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