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because in this world money is power and control and absolutely nothing matters more than that.

anything the hinders the generation of more money is removed, censored, silenced, or otherwise stopped.

companies will do anything, and i mean anything to make more money even if what they're doing leads to the company's self-destruction. it does not matter as long as those running the company get more and more money.

you see it in politics. you see it in entertainment. you even see it in religion.

everything is created to control, manipulate, and exploit everyone to maximize one thing above all else: profit

hell, the Shell gas company literally owns the country of nigeria! i learned about that last year. it's not that large a country granted but it's a fine example of just how far this goes.

as for the internet and us lowly 50% of the population whose collective wealth and power is less than 0.001% of the top 10%... you literally SURRENDER YOUR RIGHTS AS A PERSON when you click "agree" or "accept" on a Fing ToS or EULA document to make an account anywhere!

people...for years for DECADES...throwing their rights, not as a citizen of a country, but as a PERSON, away for NOTHING!

people don't want freedom! they don't want free speech! they WANT to be controlled, manipulated, and exploited the F out of for PROFIT, POWER, and CONTROL!

no plan, no strategy, no action anyone has ever come up with in the past decade has done or accomplished ANYTHING to stop or even CHANGE this!

our whole species chose self-annihilation in the worst ways imaginable.

oh sure, some try to fearmonger...sound off alarms and warnings... sever years after the damage has been done. and then change struggles to start years after the warnings when there's no point in even trying anymore.

the only thing i consider more deserving of true hatred than this world is the human species due to the sheer scale and amount of damage it has done in the past TEN YEARS ALONE!

AI? AI is a tool. it's no major threat on its own. fearmonger all you like. you're aiming at the tool instead of the humans using said tool.

that's all anyone ever does. aim at the tool or symptom, NOT the root of the problem. always aim at the wrong target!

the things i've seen happen in the past 10 years make me wish for nothing short of extinction upon our species. the bad truly does outweigh the good that much.


i LITERALLY cannot speak freely and openly about hardly anything across 99%+ of the internet at this point. even inkbunny does this.

"hate speech"

that intentionally nebulous term that means anything a person wants it to mean.

every single website or chat platform or video game or social media platform that has this term anywhere in its ToS or community guidelines practices censorship and silences and bans people for politically, socially, morally, and ideologically motivated reasons.

there is a specific group of people that everyone, be they straight, theist, atheist, or lgb, are strictly forbidden from saying so much as a single word in the negative about under pain of ban or permaban.

i'm gay (aka lgb). you can say literally anything you want about me. but this other group? one word and you risk ban. everywhere


make the wrong political comment: ban

be rude: ban

talk back: ban

catch a moderator in a bad mood or on the wrong day: ban


all across the internet you have to dance on eggshells, practice self-censorship and police your own speech. a single wrong word is ALL it takes.

and it's all for the sole purpose of power and control.

the entire world gripped in fear of losing MONEY because all of human survival is now tied directly to how much money and thus how much power and control a person has in their possession.


we don't have to worry about going to hell when we die cause humans have transformed life into hell. INTENTIONALLY!

the worst thing i ever learned in my life was how the world actually works...nothing could have made me hate my own species more than that.


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