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It's not actually illegal, though. Immoral, sure, but not actually illegal.

I responded to Rakuen this time because he was using a prick talking point that wasn't true, but for the most part I don't think either cub porn or censorship is an existential threat to furry fandom. If anything, I think this whole thing is annoying, like we had a compromise going; no cub porn on the majority of websites, except for a few freak exceptions like InkBunny who are valiantly but mostly unsuccessfully trying to make "the one that allows cub porn" not their entire personality, and then e621 as the wild west, anything goes place with no rules protected by its tagging system of personal user censorship and the fact it's no artist's actual primary site (or darn well shouldn't be), which was not a perfect system, but it was a workable compromise until this just threw a twist in there for no real discernible reason.

But this also feels like a compromise in and of itself; they didn't ban cub porn. Like, probably someone was agitating for it, but they instead settled on "well, let's ban the virtual child porn that isn't furry" which at least gives them a "it's a furry site, why is it even there?" excuse. I mean, we've got a bunch of whining "they locked my thread!" posts in these comments, but the truth is, if you were posting there like you're posting here, yeah, that thread should've been locked. Never mind the sheer belligerence of a lot of the comments (I mean, like I can say shit), you guys sure are repetitive, and you don't seem to actually have much to say beyond the belligerent tromping.

Actually looking at what happened (e621 had its hand forced, so they tried to save what they could with the "no furry" hail Mary) and realizing we're not going to live in a world where all virtual child pornography is saved or censored, what's happening here is an unsatisfying compromise, that's all. It's, well, unsatisfying, but really the worst part of it is that we already had a working unsatisfying compromise, and now the unsatisfied partisans have an excuse to bitch and moan and boy howdy friends it sure is annoying.


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