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I can’t say with complete certainty that encrypted chat services (Element/Matrix, for example) are entirely bad. People deserve the right to privacy. However, I agree: session codes are deeply suspicious and these are places where it is possible to trade and share illicit material. However, much like .onion domains, there’s a marked difference between people who are using their privacy to harm others, or just using it so their data isn’t stolen and fed into whatever algorithms or AI or whatever else. People have a right to privacy, and people who abuse that right should be punished. Although, as far as “session IDs” go, I have never seen them used for anything BUT illicit material.

Telegram and Matrix both have a huge problem, but Discord’s issue is so glaring and frightening it’s almost shocking. Discord isn’t an encrypted chat site, but it’s where most people are groomed (either minors groomed by predators or the vulnerable groomed into thinking children can consent to sex) and where most illicit material is shared overall. Same with spaces like Pawoo and Pixiv: there are massive rings on both. None of those spaces are encrypted.

The issue is, then, less with encryption and more with the fact that CSAM and abuse materials are more available now than they have ever been, while “cub” or “loli” (and any other transgressive fiction, especially that which is made by queer folk) are being censored at an astounding rate. It’s purposeful. Never for a moment think it isn’t.

We’re in the worst timeline, I think.
(And don’t worry, officer, I can walk this line perfectly! It’s wobbling, right?)


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