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I’d like to just toss out there that the way you are going about this is not terribly conductive to our argument. You’re right, but the way you are phrasing it is not. Aggressive behavior is understandable because we are all scared of being pushed further and further underground (and therefore into dangerous spaces which are either infested with loli-loving actual Nazis or people who make it their life’s mission to suggest that CSAM or animal abuse is okay and normal). Fear and panic is completely within the realm of what we’re feeling here. ATF, Baraag, and similar sites right now have a huge population of genuinely horrible people, and even IB allows AI generated content of minors which may be trained on real CSAM (note: as far as I understand it, stable diffusion is not trained on photographic porn; it may, however, still be trained on photographs of real children, which also presents and ethical issue, if a slightly different one).

This is not to be hateful to any of those sites, specifically. They need to exist, but it’s important we change the way we approach these things. Reactionary behavior and thinking (such as your long spam-like comments rehashing the same statements or, worse, potentially inciting harassment towards people who may otherwise have no control over what’s going on with the wider world, servers, advertisers, payment services, and the like) is counterproductive to the argument. Again, it’s not surprising nor are you entirely out of your gourd for reacting the way you (and many others, especially in the E6 thread) are.

However, that behavior pushes real issues aside. Let’s try and focus on doing what we can do (supporting these sites, asking for less censorship without harassing mods, linking scientific studies and legal discussions on the topics, and trying to clean out the actual predators whenever possible) instead of how hopeless and terrified we all likely are.

This one might be a bit more ramble-y than the last, and I apologize for that. I’m a bit “altered” at the moment. I hope I have not made any statements meant to imply fictional content (of any kind) is inherently evil. It is not. It’s just also worth remembering that there are some issues still present in the few remaining spaces, and we need to be vigilant of that. I personally have seen a great deal of people groomed into very damaging views of children or animals and consent in these spaces, because absolution in “free speech” apparently covers wanting to legalize CSAM or believing a child can consent to an adult sexual or romantic relationship.

Cub, lolicon, whatever, is not the enemy. Predators are.
Censorship of spaces like E6 is a worrying result of a growing danger to transgressive fiction, not necessarily the opinions of admins.
Everyone deserves the right to speak their truth, but incitement of harassment or harm should be removed, not debated. Debating these topics platforms them (I recognize the irony here).

Regardless, I hope you’re all safe in whatever country, state, or providence you’re in. I hope we aren’t forced so underground that we’re bumping shoulders (more regularly) with real predators. I hope things get better for fiction, queer and marginalized folk, transgressive fiction, and paraphiles who do not want to cause harm.


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