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Ya know what, it's whatever.... I don't really care about what's going on right now with E621, if they wanna crash and burn and wreck their website into the ground by going on a big dumb "BAN ALL CUB" crusade like what FurAffinity did, that's their own prerogative. But what I find hilarious is that the people who participated in that Big Announcement Thread (including myself) did not understand or realize that the post itself was a trap... and we all ate the cheese, not realizing that the big metal bar was about to snap tight onto our necks.

They knew what they were doing and they knew it was bait... bait to get the Pro Cub / Pro Fiction people to all argue and fight and misbehave so that the younger, whinier mods would have an excuse to hand out Bans and Infractions. I didn't "behave badly" I don't think, I didn't insult anybody, I just presented the Law with quotes and links... Protect Act 2003 was ruled unconstitutional, that's a FACT. Under 18 U.S. Code § 2256 -- drawings are not the same thing as genuine CSEM, they have to pass as VIRTUALLY INDISTINGUISHABLE, that's a FACT.

But some people HATE those facts... and I suspect that a fair number of the E6 mods are secretly staunchly Anti Cub, so someone like ME who posts LAWS is viewed as a Rabble Rouser... I wasn't being disruptive, just posting LAWS. So how how how could they SILENCE ME? Well Donovan DMC came up with a way, he misread a comment of mine which says "I AM WAY PAST 18, THANKS" that I made in response to another user.

Instead of FACT CHECKING or ASKING ME or maybe even ASKING TO SEE SOME I.D. he just locked my account then and there. I am most CERTAINLY not "und3r r4ge" and I have no issues sending a photocopy of my I.D. to either Donovan DMC or Not Me Not You... so long as I am able to BLOCK OUT any sensitive information on it, as I really don't feel like having my ID passed around to 4chan and Kiwi Farms, especially considering WHAT THEY DID TO NEAR / BYUU...

I emailed the "management" email for e6. No response. I sent an email to NMNY, no response.
I even sent Ink Bunny Mails to NMNY on their account in both ENGLISH & GERMAN... no response.

Me being slapped with the "und3r r4ge" label is false... I'd wager that I am older than A LOT OF YOU.... but it was still an easy way to shut me up and make sure that I couldn't keep posting FACTS & LAWS in that thread.

Hey "GreenReaper" you were born in 1982, correct?
Well I was born in 1981. So I got one up on you by a Year.

I grew up watching Knight Rider as a kid... WHEN IT ORIGINALLY AIRED....

What about you, GR? Do you remember Knight Rider? With the Hoff and the Talking Car????


And I made my Ink Bunny account let's see... 2012... that's 12 years ago...

What year did I turn 18? 1999. The moderation note says "contact the E6 staff if you've reached the sufficient age" -- dawg, I already reached sufficient age about 25 years ago, but go off I guess????


I been around the Furry Fandom a LONG ass time... went to my first Anthro Con in 2003, I was around for the drama on Fchan when the new mods came in and started screaming about how they were gunna BAN ALL CUB... and what happened to Fchan after they forced that rule? They crumbled to dust. Same crap happened to FurAffinity when they implemented their Anti Cub & Anti Short Pokemon Rules... E6 is building its own coffin and digging its own grave.

Nobody wants to be told "You can't draw that, it's problematic" by a bunch of whiney Twitter Dorks who cannot separate fiction from reality. Nobody wants to have to WALK ON EGGSHELLS every time they do something on the site, such as upload art, comment on stuff, or make forum posts or comment on forum posts... and it ISSSS walking on Eggshells, because the SLIGHTEST thing you do on E621 usually pisses off some whiney ultra sensitive 20-something moderator with a stick up their ass.... (like Donovan DMC)...

I am not und3r r4ge... far from it. At this point I don't even care if my account at E6 gets re-activated and unlocked, I highly doubt it will. They don't WANT someone INTELLIGENT and WELL EDUCATED posting laws and facts in that forum thread.... what they really would PREFER is more people kissing the mod staff's asses and praising them and saying how "great" they are... it's a slippery slope, folks! It's a PURITY SPIRAL, folks! You think they ain't just gunna act like FurAffinity and keep adding more and more stuff to the Big List of Stuff We Hate?

Look at FurAffinity for a template and confirmation of all your worst fears about over-reaching censorship... first they banned Cub, but then the Goal Post shifted to go after the Short Pokemon and Sonic-verse characters. The things you THINK are "safe" from a bad rule change actually ARE NOT SAFE and are actually NEXT UP to be put onto the Chopping Block! Why are we allowing overly-sensitive easily offended TUMBLR DORKS and CRAPPY CHRISTIAN-OWNED PAYMENT PROCESSORS to dictate and mandate what is or isn't okay in 2D FURRY ART????

This is insane. And you know gawd-damn well that every other thing that Tumblr & Twitter decides is "problematic" is next to go. Cub will fall next, Feral will fall after that, then "too big age gaps even if both characters are past the age of 18" ... I've even watched Tumblr / Twitter dorks have 10 page long arguments over WHETHER OR NOT RAMBLEY THE RACCOON COUNTS AS AN ANTHRO... dawg, he talks and walks upright -- PRETTY DAMN SURE HE'S AN ANTHRO....

He's a digital assistant who lives inside a computer somewhere, HE'S NOT A REAL RACCOON, DAMMIT.... Meeko from Pocahontas was a Feral character, NOT FRIGGIN' RAMBLEY from Indigo Park! He's ANTHRO....

And I've even seen Tumblr / Twitter dorks tell an artist "You can't draw an aged up Ralsei from DeltaRune, that's gross because he's still a kid" then what was the point of aging him up if it won't please you and make you STFU? These "Fiction Activists" are always moving their Goal Posts and treating FICTIONAL CHARACTERS as if they are equal to REAL PEOPLE.... it's insane... I don't understand how either FurAffinity or E621 can think cow-towing and rolling over for these "social justice but for the fictional drawings" type people is a GOOD IDEA....


What's next? Are they gunna start going after Plushies too?


Dawg.... it's an inanimate object made of fabric and stuffing.... IT DOESN'T HAVE RIGHTS & FEELINGS!!!!!


Anyway GR, do me a favor and tell Donovan DMC he's a friggin' clown. Thanks.



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